
Propolis is a substance extracted from the resin collected by the worker bees whose job it is to find the resin from the leaves of new growth and the bark of certain trees. Worker bees, in the hive, mix the resin with a little beeswax, honey and enzymes before becoming Propolis.

Propolis uses to patch the beehive's leak and strengthen the nest. The bees uses propolis to wrap (mumification) animal carcasses which entered into the beehive in order not to spread the disease. Thus Propolis is used by bees sterilizes the nest, stop the growth and the spread of bacteria, viruses and fungi. Learning from the effectiveness of this bee Propolis, humans use the Propolis for the treatment particularly to stop the growth and spread of bacteria, viruses and fungi.

Propolis contains hundreds of chemicals, and scientists just only managed to identify and name some 30's from these materials. Propolis composition of the newly harvested honey, generally consist of approximately 50% resin, 30% beeswax, 10% essential oils, 5% pollen and plant remains. Because of its composition, not all parts of Propolis can be eaten as a medicine or food supplements. After Propolis is harvested from the nest, it must be extracted with water or oil to retrieve the materials. In western countries extraction also carried out using ethanol or alcohol, but this is not permissible for Muslims consumption.

Propolis for dessert (mouth rinses) was also very effective to stop the growth of bacteria generally are in the mouth. These bacteria generally cause tooth decay, gum disease, cavities and plaque on teeth. Scientific research that supports this, has been done among others in Brazil and in Japan. Japanese research showed even more evidence that the oral surgery patient who then use Propolis as a dessert experience that the healing process faster, cleaner and pain / inflammation were significantly reduced compared to other patients who use factory-made desserts.