The heart is the sole organ in the body that most large and complex. With a weight of about 2 kg, the liver has an important task is complicated by the continuity of all functions of the body. These functions are grouped into three categories:
1. Regulation
Liver function regulate blood composition, particularly the amount of sugar, protein, and fat entering the blood circulation. The liver also remove bilirubin from the blood to be excreted in the feces.
2. Metabolism
Almost all nutrients are absorbed through the gut processed in the liver. Moreover, to change the substance of food into a form that can be used by the body, the liver also functions as a storage of other nutrients, like vitamin A. Also produced in the liver of cholesterol, blood clots, as well as specific proteins and bile.
3. Detoxification
Be an organ that detoxifies blood. Liver separate drugs and chemicals or metabolites that potentially damaging of the blood flow and change, so can be issued to the bile and eventually through feces.