Stress management for hipertensi

 Various definitions of stress that can be understood. That stress itself according to (Kaplan, 2006 in Hawari 2012), is a condition or the body's response to any pressures and demands generated by it changes in the environment, whether from favorable conditions or not pleasant. Stress is a reality of everyday life that cannot be avoid by all people, stress or emotional tension can affect the cardiovascular system (Marliani, 2007). 

Unbelievable stress as a psychological factor that can increase blood pressure

The etiology of stress itself is a factor causing deep trauma development of post-traumatic stress disorder in developmental disorders post traumatic stress. But not everyone experiences stress disorder post-traumatic after a traumatic event. Sources of stress quoted by (Sarwono, 1988 in Syam, 2014) distinguishes the sources of stress, namely within the individual, family, community and society.

The sources of stress in a person can sometimes come from

in a person. For example, through pain (Budi Keliat, 2002).

The level of stress that arises in a person through an assessment of multifacial forces that fight when someone experiences conflict. Furthermore, the sources of stress in the family; stress here can sourced from interactions among family members such as; dispute in family matters of finances, feelings of mutual indifference.

Furthermore, the sources of stress in the community and environment;

Enter the stress approaches according to several authors.

(Sytherland & Cooper, 1990) stress among others can be conceptualized from various points/views including: Stress as a stimulus, ie

The first approach focuses on the environment and describe stress as a stimulus. Hippocrates believed that The health characteristics of these diseases are coordinated by the environment external (Sutherland & Cooper, 1990). Furthermore, stress as a response,

What is meant in this approach focuses on a person's reaction to the stressor as a response (or the stress of a variable depending) the response referred to here is the response that contains two components, namely psychological and physiological components. Then stress

as the individual's interaction with the individual's environment will provide

different stress reactions to the same stressor for example we can

Observe the behavior of people in traffic. People trapped in the past

Continuous traffic will look at the clock while there is also a quiet one

just. In fact, it is not uncommon to still be able to enjoy music (Budi Keliat, 2002).

The stress response can be divided into two, namely the components

psychology as well as physiology.

Signs and symptoms each person has a different response

to stress experienced, so the symptoms are also different.

As expressed by (Munajat, 2000 in Syam 2014), namely;

physical symptoms which include rapid breathing, dry lips, clammy hands, feeling

hot and hot, tense muscles, diarrhea or constipation, tired easily,