lemon to prevent cought

Lemon's water(juice), besides contains high level of vitamin C, also good to prevent cough. Especially In the transition period season, which usually starts to attack our body resistance. When we continually take medicine, it's just no good.

Lemon is the answer for this trouble. Actually, prevention is the most important thing. Indeed, our blood pH is always in a state of slightly alkaline (7.35 to 7.45). Bacteria and viruses can not be active in alkaline condition. If in your home, flu and cough never stopped dropping by, it seems most of the Ph of your family's body is acidic. That is why, the immune system could go down. Bacteria and viruses are also growing.

Foods that contain lots of vitamin C is also good for health. Lemon contains about 80-90 mg of vitamin C. Content of antioxidants in the lemon can neutralize free radicals that enter our bodies. Eating a healthy diet, with emphasis on increasing intake of fruit and vegetables, can help-ward off bacterial and viral attacks. Therefore, fruit and vegetables are neutral and alkaline.

Lemon can also reduce the residual toxicity of drugs and alcohol, reduce stress, helps produce red blood cells, reduces allergic reactions, helps manufacture collagen, reduce gastric diseases, and others. Organic lemons have vitamin C content 40% higher than non-organic.

Lemon may be taken on an empty stomach, like in the morning or before meals. In addition to increasing endurance, lemon, is good for your liver. Because of its alkaline (although its taste is sour or acidic). If you got a cold or a cough, drink lemon at least 3-4 times a day. Can be mixed with raw honey and warm water, or just lemon and warm water for diabetics. If you got a nasty flu and cough, mix lemon with "Manuka" honey. Can also be augmented by 1-2 cloves garlic (or in capsule form).

For day-to-day, we could eat lemons freely, because it has no side effects. Do not forget to rinse the mouth with water afterwards, to reduce sensitivity in your teeth.