Extraordinary settings In Bees Nest
Life of bees in the hive and honey production is astounding. Without discussing too much detail, let us observe the main characteristics of "public life" of bees. Bees must carry out numerous "tasks" and they manage all this with extraordinary settings.
Hexagonal design of plots allows the storage of honey bee nests in the greatest number with the raw material for making nests, ie candles, in numbers at least. The bee is only an insect 1-2 cm in size and he made the calculation that with what has inspired his Lord. |
Settings humidity and air exchange: Nest humidity, which makes honey has a high level of durability, must be maintained at certain limits. In the humidity is above or below this limit, the honey will be damaged and the loss in durability and nutrition. Similarly, the temperature should be 35 degrees celcius nest for ten months of the year. To maintain the nest temperature and humidity is at a certain limit, there is a special group charged with maintaining air exchange.
If a hot day, looks the bees were arranging the exchange of air in the nest. Filled bee hive entrance. While attached to the timber, they are fanning the nest with wings. In a standard hive, air entering from one side pushed out on the other side. Bees and other regulators worked air exchange in the nest, pushing the air into all corners of the nest.
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Penataan kesehatan: Efforts to maintain the quality of the honey bee is not limited to moisture and heat settings. Inside the nest there is a perfect health care network to control all events that may lead to the development of bacteria. The main purpose of this arrangement is to eliminate substances that may cause the bacteria. The principle is to prevent foreign substances entering the nest. For that, two guards are always placed at the entrance of the nest. If a foreign substance or insect enters the nest despite existing preventive measures, all bees act to throw her from the nest.
For bigger foreign objects that can not be removed from the nest, use other means of defense. Bees membalsam foreign objects. They produce a substance called "propolis" (ie, sap bees) for the balm. This bee sap produced by adding a special fluid that they remove from the body to sap collected from trees like pine, hawwar, and acacia. Gum bees are also used to patch cracks in the hive. After ditambalkan on crack, the dried sap when reacting with air and forms a hard surface. Thus, the nest can survive from external threats. Bees use this substance in almost all their work.
At this point, many questions come to mind. Propolis prevent any bacteria living in it. This makes propolis as the best substance for the balm. How do bees know that substance tersebutlah best? How do bees produce a substance, which can only be created humans in the laboratory and use of technology, and with an understanding of chemistry? How did they know that the dead insects can cause bacterial growth and that the balm will prevent this?
It is clear the bees do not have any knowledge about this, let alone the laboratory. The bee is only an insect 1-2 cm in length and he did all this with what has inspired his Lord.