honey history

Honey, no doubt, has attracted human attention. The oldest monument to harvest the honey by humans has been interpreted to seven thousand years BC, which has been observed in Spain. This work includes a human gesture carved on the stone backgammon local sponsor for the colony to reach pan for placing their honey back. One painting that once, after the above story is derived from Africa and that person will perform the same operation, except that he use smoke off bee hive.

Honey, according to the archaeologists, have been met in primitive tribes. Some tribe, harvest honey using smoke. They see the honey from the nests in high rocky, sharp and deep valleys and cliffs. They endangered their live for honey. In some tribes, they regularly check the hollow trunk trees and harvesting honey from it. It indicate that they markup the trees, and they know which tree that posses honey.

Honey, in Ancient Egyptians, has played an important role in social, spiritual and economic live. Dazu remaining in the temple of the dead and Closet It follows that the time honey has high national importance, the importance of Papyrus medicinal honey is the most medicines milk and honey has gone to work, The ancient Egyptians pickerelweed that kind of barley, wheat and honey produced is used too much, because alcohol was not available to them. Jewish religious book of remembrance to the promised land so that Nhrhayy milk and honey flows. Honey in the Bible Christians as the symbol of abundance and blessings mentioned in the petition Bhralmyt also named, but honey bees do not work.

In ancient Greece, honey also one of the precious gifts of nature were seen. The Greeks thought that the gods eat because food Beheshti have been eternal and imperishable. They assumed that honey, one important component of this food paradise.