honey for disinfectant

Honey was the ancient Egyptians, what is now the modern doctor aspirin: a cure for everything. On one of the papyrus found between 2600 and 2200 v.Ch. are 900 recipes. Honey in the healing people always become regarded as a panacea.

Honey is an excellent way to treat wounds. During war, the Babylonians, Egyptians, Greeks, Romans and many people in earlier times, honey was still carried to heal the wounded soldiers. Honey is an excellent antiseptic and antibiotic.

Honey was at all times regarded as a healing medium. As a gargle, with heavy coughs, to treat abscesses and tumors sinusitis, muscle cramps, nasal congestion, insomnia and bedwetting honey and lemon juice or vinegar was also a very old remedy that was used mainly to bacterial equilibrium. Moreover, it is still applying honey. DC Jarvis from Vermont (USA) in 1958 in his book "No more sick 'this way back in the spotlight. He used cider vinegar with honey, a drink that he is recommending for both humans and animals.

Honey really is an excellent disinfectant. For example, an ointment, which has been tested by an Egyptian original recipe consisting of 1 part honey and 2 parts fat. The researchers were very pleased and very suspicious. They could not believe their eyes when they saw that bacteria in the fat disappeared. There were open wounds to the new bacteria added and it disappeared as fast as the existing ones. Honey vesneld the healing of wounds, keeps wounds sterile and antibiotics is unnecessary.