Showing posts with label healthy heart. Show all posts
Showing posts with label healthy heart. Show all posts

fiber for heart health

Dietary fiber plays a crucial role in promoting heart health and reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases. It offers several benefits that contribute to overall cardiovascular well-being. Here's how fiber can positively impact heart health:

1. **Lowering Cholesterol Levels:** Soluble fiber, found in foods like oats, beans, lentils, and fruits, can help reduce LDL cholesterol levels (often referred to as "bad" cholesterol). Soluble fiber binds to cholesterol particles in the digestive tract, preventing their absorption into the bloodstream and facilitating their removal from the body. By lowering LDL cholesterol, soluble fiber reduces the risk of atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries) and coronary heart disease.

2. **Regulating Blood Pressure:** A diet rich in fiber, particularly from fruits and vegetables, is associated with lower blood pressure. High blood pressure is a significant risk factor for heart disease and stroke. The potassium content in many high-fiber foods also contributes to blood pressure regulation.

3. **Improving Blood Sugar Control:** High-fiber foods, such as whole grains and legumes, help regulate blood sugar levels by slowing the absorption of sugar into the bloodstream. This can be particularly beneficial for individuals with diabetes or those at risk of developing diabetes. Stable blood sugar levels reduce the risk of cardiovascular complications associated with diabetes.

4. **Weight Management:** Fiber-rich foods are often lower in calories and provide a feeling of fullness, which can aid in weight management and obesity prevention. Maintaining a healthy weight is essential for heart health, as excess body fat is a risk factor for cardiovascular diseases.

5. **Reducing Inflammation:** Chronic inflammation is a contributing factor to atherosclerosis and other cardiovascular conditions. Some types of fiber, such as antioxidants found in fruits and vegetables, can help reduce inflammation and oxidative stress in the body.

6. **Promoting Gut Health:** A healthy gut microbiome is linked to heart health. Fiber acts as a prebiotic, nourishing beneficial gut bacteria. These bacteria can produce compounds that have a positive impact on heart health, such as short-chain fatty acids, which may help reduce inflammation and improve blood vessel function.

7. **Preventing Overeating:** Foods high in fiber tend to be more filling, which can prevent overeating and promote portion control. By reducing the consumption of high-calorie, unhealthy foods, a high-fiber diet supports overall heart health.

To incorporate more fiber into your diet for heart health:

- **Choose Whole Grains:** Opt for whole grains like brown rice, quinoa, whole wheat, and oats over refined grains.

- **Eat Plenty of Fruits and Vegetables:** Aim to fill half your plate with fruits and vegetables, which are excellent sources of fiber, vitamins, and antioxidants.

- **Include Legumes:** Beans, lentils, chickpeas, and other legumes are rich in both soluble and insoluble fiber.

- **Snack on Nuts and Seeds:** Almonds, chia seeds, and flaxseeds are high-fiber snacks that can benefit heart health.

- **Read Food Labels:** Pay attention to nutrition labels and choose products with higher fiber content.

- **Stay Hydrated:** Drinking plenty of water helps fiber do its job in the digestive tract, preventing constipation.

While increasing fiber intake is generally beneficial for heart health, it's essential to make dietary changes gradually and drink enough water to prevent digestive discomfort. Additionally, maintaining an overall healthy lifestyle, including regular physical activity and avoiding smoking, is essential for reducing the risk of heart disease. If you have specific dietary concerns or medical conditions, consult a healthcare provider or registered dietitian for personalized guidance on incorporating fiber into your diet.

Coronaryheart disease (CHD) is one cause of death in the world, including Indonesia. Increasing the number of deaths is influenced by changes in lifestyle. High-fiber diet helps prevent the deadly attacks.

Everyone is afraid of having a heart attack that could end in sudden death. Citing a report, in a seminar about the heart, Dr. Idris Idham, Sp.JP, FESC, said that more than one million people in the United States have heart attacks each year.

Half of them suffered death in the first hours after the attack. The other half managed to reach the hospital to get help and was treated in the Intensive Coronary Care Unit (ICCU) or also called Cardiovascular Intensive Care Unit (Cardio Vascular Care Unit).

The mortality rate of patients admitted to hospital could reach about 15 percent, usually due to death (necrose) extensive heart muscle. Approximately 425 000 patients admitted to leaving the hospital, but approximately 10 percent (42 000 persons) of that amount has died after a year later.

According to Dr. Idris, a heart attack occurs when there is death of heart muscle caused by interruption of blood supply to the heart muscle. The incident was caused by blockage of one or more coronary arteries by blood clots. This blood clot called a thrombus. Coronary artery blockage caused another heart muscles do not get a blood supply with all the nutrients present in it, such as glucose, vitamins, and minerals, hormones and electrolytes such as sodium, potassium, magnesium, and calcium.

Even so, you need not worry. To reduce the risk of disruption at the top, efforts can be made. The point is to always keep blood cholesterol levels can be a source of blockage of the coronary arteries, not high. Apart from using vitamin B3 (niacin), C and E, the effort can also be performed with high-fiber diet.

Fiber Benefits
First fiber is considered as The Forgotten nutrient because its function is unclear. However, as one component of food, fiber is now known to have an important role in maintaining health.

Fiber consists of two types, namely soluble and insoluble fiber. Soluble fiber can not be digested by digestive enzymes, but soluble in hot water. Soluble fiber is what makes the stomach full longer and provide energy longer and also beneficial in lowering blood cholesterol levels. Commonly found in fruits and vegetables, especially serelia such as oats.

Insoluble fiber can not be digested and does not dissolve in hot water. Although can not be digested, says DR. Ali Khomsan, fibers have metabolic functions of essential nutrients. In the digestive tract, fiber helps food juice fermentation process. Fiber is beneficial to prevent constipation and is gentle to avoid the risk of colon and stomach cancer. This fiber contained in vegetables such as asparagus, peas, and serelia like oats.

Because it is not digested, fiber into the colon (large intestine) in one piece. Fiber reaches the colon in large volumes and require big place, causing a feeling of satiety. Therefore, the presence of fibers in the stomach and digestive tract will reduce the desire for someone to eat more, thereby preventing the occurrence of obesity risk.

According to Dr. Lanny Lestiani, Sp.G (K), MSc., A nutritionist from the Department of Nutritional Sciences Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia (Faculty of medicine), high-fiber diet helps lower cholesterol in the blood. Fibers useful in holding water and the viscosity in the digestive tract, will be converted into a gel in the intestine. The aim is to hold water so that people do not easily hungry.

Cooking Vegetables
DR. Ali Khomsan added fiber sources like vegetables and fruits easily be found in the daily menu. Vegetables can be consumed in raw form or after processing by boiling. Even so, the results of a student of Bogor Agricultural University (IPB), Rahayu, 1990, showed that dietary fiber in cooked vegetables actually increased compared with raw vegetables.

How could it be? The process of cooking it would eliminate some nutrients. In addition, the cooking process also causes a reaction in pencokelatan counted as a nutrient analysis of dietary fiber. This is what causes the cooked vegetables had a higher fiber content. In his research, Rahayu found that vegetables are boiled with water to produce the highest dietary fiber content (6.40 percent), steamed (6.24 percent), cooked with coconut milk (5.98 percent), and raw (5.97 percent).

In general, the fiber content reaches 32 percent in vegetables, fruits, 38 percent, wheat 32 percent and 25 percent peanuts. Said Dr. Lanny, the need for an Indonesian fiber is 10-14 gr/1.000 calories.

Oat Fibre
It is undeniable, Indonesia is now flooded with oat products, often called oatmeal, signed in serelia family. Compared to each 100 gram of rice contains 0.1 grams of soluble fiber and wheat, which is only 2.2 grams, per 100 grams of oat soluble fiber containing 5.1 grams. High in fiber makes oats deserve to be used as a choice for high-fiber diet.

As an illustration, a soluble fiber in the body can bind cholesterol and remove it from the body. Roles that can lower cholesterol levels in the blood, to reduce the risk of CHD. People who are obese can also combine oats with low cholesterol and fatty foods. Oats can be used in the form of oatmeal, biscuits, and bread.

How do oats reduce cholesterol levels in the blood? Here are brief descriptions:

1. In the liver, cholesterol is converted into bile acids, and then released into the small intestine to help digest fats from food consumed.

2. When mengasup oatmeal, oat soluble fiber in the intestine to form gels that bind fat, cholesterol, and bile acids.

3. Because bound by soluble oat fiber in the form of gels, some bile acids can not be absorbed back through the wall of the intestine, bile acids and then excreted through the large intestine, so that bile acids in the liver is reduced.

4. To replace the lost bile acids, the liver will pull cholesterol from the blood to produce bile acids.

5th. As a result, total blood cholesterol level will decrease.

6. With decreasing levels of blood cholesterol, the risk of CHD can be prevented.

liver or heart

The heart is the sole organ in the body that most large and complex. With a weight of about 2 kg, the liver has an important task is complicated by the continuity of all functions of the body. These functions are grouped into three categories:

1. Regulation
Liver function regulate blood composition, particularly the amount of sugar, protein, and fat entering the blood circulation. The liver also remove bilirubin from the blood to be excreted in the feces.

2. Metabolism
Almost all nutrients are absorbed through the gut processed in the liver. Moreover, to change the substance of food into a form that can be used by the body, the liver also functions as a storage of other nutrients, like vitamin A. Also produced in the liver of cholesterol, blood clots, as well as specific proteins and bile.

3. Detoxification
Be an organ that detoxifies blood. Liver separate drugs and chemicals or metabolites that potentially damaging of the blood flow and change, so can be issued to the bile and eventually through feces.

obesity vs vegetable and your body (2)

Gado-gado or salad
You can put whatever vegetables you like into the salad, like lettuce, tomatoes, corn, peppers, carrots, onions and others. Besides vegetables,

Why is it necessary to eat vegetables?
There are three processes that occur in the body, namely combustion (power), construction (growth) and settings. To get the energy, the body requires carbohydrate, fat and protein. Meanwhile, to grow and develop necessary protein and water. And to arrange for all these processes occur must have vitamins and minerals derived from vegetables and fruits. "That is why the vegetables are very important for the body, because there are certain substances that can only be obtained through the vegetables. The meat also contained vitamins and minerals, but the number was only a little," says Leane.

Eat plenty of vegetables and fruits is also an ideal way to lose weight naturally. Besides low calories and low in fat, fiber in vegetables can satiate the stomach. Vegetables also make work a better intestinal peristalsis, thereby facilitating defecation.

Serve with a draw
How interesting presentation and processing can help you get rid of a sense of reluctance to eat vegetables. No need to consume a raw vegetable or put a whole pile of vegetables in your dinner plate. Try to make it more delicious cooked into soups, pizza, pie or lasagna. With cut into smaller sizes or mixed with other foodstuffs, vegetables will be more nice views. Moreover, when eating soup, you will not feel the flavor and aroma of each vegetable. Or as in pastel or lasagna, you do not have to look straight vegetable because the dough is wrapped closed.

Allow plus fruit
A lot of nutrition in the vegetables was also found in fruit. So you could replace the nutritional deficiencies of these vegetables with fruits. But that does not mean avoiding vegetables altogether. There are nutrients and compounds in vegetables that can not be easily obtained elsewhere. "The fruit contains more vitamins, but less fiber and minerals," says Leane. But you could combine fruits with vegetables. Drink a glass of juice in the morning and another one in the afternoon or evening can be a sizable business. But because the number of fibers lost in the processing of juice, so not a good idea if only rely on juice alone. And do not forget, pay attention to the variations in type and color of the fruit that you eat. Each type and color has its own advantages.

why smoke harm your health

Smoking is harmful to health because it exposes the body to a wide range of toxic chemicals and compounds that can have severe and often deadly consequences. Cigarette smoking, in particular, is a leading cause of preventable deaths worldwide. Here are some of the key ways in which smoking harms health:

1. **Cancer:** Smoking is the single largest preventable cause of cancer worldwide. It is strongly linked to several types of cancer, including lung, mouth, throat, esophagus, pancreas, bladder, and cervix. The chemicals in tobacco smoke can damage DNA and lead to the uncontrolled growth of cancer cells.

2. **Respiratory Problems:** Smoking damages the respiratory system in various ways. It causes chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), a group of lung diseases that includes chronic bronchitis and emphysema. Smoking also increases the risk of respiratory infections, such as pneumonia and bronchitis. Over time, it can lead to reduced lung function and difficulty breathing.

3. **Heart Disease:** Smoking is a major contributor to heart disease. It raises blood pressure, increases the levels of harmful cholesterol (LDL), and damages blood vessels. This combination of factors significantly increases the risk of heart attacks, strokes, and other cardiovascular diseases.

4. **Stroke:** Smoking narrows the blood vessels and promotes the formation of blood clots, increasing the risk of ischemic strokes. It also contributes to atherosclerosis, the buildup of plaque in the arteries, which can further increase stroke risk.

5. **Peripheral Artery Disease (PAD):** Smoking damages blood vessels throughout the body, including those in the limbs. PAD reduces blood flow to the extremities, leading to pain, poor wound healing, and, in severe cases, amputations.

6. **Cataracts and Vision Problems:** Smoking is associated with an increased risk of cataracts and age-related macular degeneration, leading to vision impairment and blindness.

7. **Oral Health Issues:** Smoking is a major cause of oral health problems, including gum disease, tooth decay, and tooth loss. It can also lead to oral cancers.

8. **Pregnancy Complications:** Pregnant women who smoke risk serious complications such as preterm birth, low birth weight, stillbirth, and sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS).

9. **Weakened Immune System:** Smoking weakens the immune system's ability to fight off infections and illnesses, making smokers more susceptible to diseases like the flu and pneumonia.

10. **Nicotine Addiction:** Nicotine, the addictive substance in tobacco, keeps people hooked on smoking. The cravings and withdrawal symptoms associated with nicotine addiction make it challenging to quit.

11. **Secondhand Smoke:** Not only does smoking harm the smoker, but it also poses health risks to those exposed to secondhand smoke. Secondhand smoke contains many of the same harmful chemicals and can lead to respiratory problems, heart disease, and cancer in nonsmokers.

12. **Environmental Impact:** Smoking contributes to environmental pollution through the release of toxic chemicals into the air and the littering of cigarette butts. It also poses fire hazards.

It's important to note that quitting smoking at any age can lead to significant health benefits. The body has remarkable resilience, and many of the negative health effects of smoking can be reversed or reduced when individuals quit smoking and adopt a healthier lifestyle. Smoking cessation programs, medications, and support networks are available to help people quit smoking and improve their overall health and well-being.

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Source :

obesity vs vegetable and your body (1)

If you include people who are not anti-vegetable, be grateful! Various studies prove that vegetables contain potent compounds that can increase endurance tubu, protecting you from disease and 'fight' obesity. Furthermore, phytochemicals, substances found only in vegetables and fruits, potent menurunkankan risk of chronic diseases and cancer.

Habits of eating vegetables does not come naturally to everyone. Moreover, as revealed by dr. Leane Manurung, MSc, nutritionist doctor, the original flavor of vegetables is not as good as meat, "If not cooked with spices or sauce are delicious, the taste of vegetables is less lucrative," he said. In addition, many people who do not like to eat vegetables because it is not accustomed to childhood. "Most children who do not like to eat vegetables is the mother worked or not painstaking 'serve' his son," says Leane. Researchers from the National Cancer Institute, U.S., and even found that only 20% of children who ate fruits and vegetables in sufficient portion of each day. And 25% of the kind of vegetables are eaten by them are french fries If you include people who are lazy or even less likely to eat vegetables, maybe a little trick can help you to meet the needs of the intake of vegetables each day. Nothing wrong, right, try!

Find what you like
Luckily we live in a tropical country that is rich in various plants. Yes, you can easily find the type of vegetables are preferred. To get it you need to arouse curiosity and your adventurous spirit. And most important is the willingness to experiment. Included will experiment processing methods. Because vegetables are processed by boiling, pan-fried, cooked in a microwave or eaten raw will give a different taste and texture. How to cultivate the right equipment must be considered. For example, the vegetables should be cooked in quick time, as you often see in Chinese food restaurants. "If cooked quickly, the color will remain green vegetables. Moreover, if too long, contain vitamins and minerals will be reduced," said Leane.

health and beauty with vitamins c

Based on scientific research, vitamin C has been known to have effects to beautify the skin, which is to brighten the skin and eliminate wrinkles. Vitamin C brightens the skin by inhibiting melanin formation and remove wrinkles in a way stimulate collagen synthesis.

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ALL people would want to have an healthy eyes and functioning optimally. So, once the eye got some problems, will interfere with your activities. Many things you can do to get an healthy eye:

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Green Smoke is a revolutionary new product that provides a cleaner alternative to traditional cigarette smoking. With traditional cigarettes,

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Healthy Foods for Healthy Living Healthy Foods for Healthy Living

There are several ways diet would lose weight if you follow the right way as they are designed. but it does not mean that all foods fit into a diet is a healthy food, but it does not mean you should change your diet to conform with the rules of the diet.

Rather than worry about following the diet, it's better to think about a healthy lifestyle instead. Begin by learning to choose foods that are good for you.

The closer the food is taken from the cycle of nature, then the food is better for you. Fresh fruits and vegetables have a lot of great vitamins and minerals, boiled them to retain the most nutritional value and be careful with sauces, they may be high in calories and fat is not good for you.

Apple is good for the body, but the apple pie made really not good for the body. Serve seafood two or three times a week. Fish and chicken meat will be healthier on serve in the form of baked than fried

make it a habit to drink water, milk and 100% fruit and juice as the main drink softdrink and limit sweet drinks. If you are bored with mineral water, try adding a few pieces of lemon to add a touch of flavor.

Do not forget to eat a variety of foods to get all the vitamins and minerals you need to be healthy.

Sexually transmitted diseases (venereal disease).

Sexually transmitted diseases (venereal disease).

Is an infection transmitted through sexual intercourse. Will be high risk if performed with multiple sexual partners. Both men and women could be at risk of contracting venereal disease. Women at greater risk of contracting because the shape of reproductive organs are more vulnerable to STDs. Unfortunately, 50% of women who are infected with an STD do not know that he is infected. STDs can not be prevented simply by:

1. Cleaning the genitals after intercourse.
2. Traditional herbal drink.
3. Taking antibiotics before and after intercourse.

Common STDs found in Indonesia are:

1. Gonorrea.
2. Clamidia.
3. Syphilis.
4. Genital herpes.
5. Trikonomiasis.
6. Ulkul mole (chancroid).
7. Genital warts.


* Germs cause: Neisseria gonnorrhoeae.

* The incubation period or the spread of germs: 2-10 days after sex.

* The signs: pain during urination, redness, swelling and ulcers on the genitals.

* Complications arise: panggunl inflammatory infection, sterility, cause blindness in babies born.

* Examination: Gram stain and culture in order.

Syphilis (LION KING)

* Germs cause: Trepanema palidum.

* Incubation period without symptoms lasted 3-13 weeks, then lump arising around the genitalia, accompanied by headache, bone pain, will be lost temporarily. 6-12 weeks after sex red spots appear on the body that can go away unnoticed. 50-10 years this disease will attack the nervous system of the brain, blood vessels and heart.

* Complications in pregnant women: can give birth with a physical disability such as damage to the skin, spleen, liver and mental retardation.

* Inspection: laboratory tests to detect the RPR (Rapid Plasma Reagent) and TPHA (Trepanema Palidum Hemagglutination Assay).


* Caused by the protozoan Trichomonas vaginalis.

* Symptoms that may be generated include: watery vaginal discharge greenish yellow, frothy, and foul-smelling; About pubic swelling, redness, itching and uncomfortable.

* Complications that can occur: blisters around the genitals, babies born prematurely, facilitate transmission of HIV infection.

* Laboratory tests to detect the KOH wet preparations.

Mole Ulcer (Chancroid)

* Caused by the bacterium Hemophilus ducreyi.

* Symptoms that may be posed include: wounds more than 2 cm in diameter, concave, irregular edges, out pus and pain, usually only on one side of the genitalia. Often (50%) accompanied by swollen lymph nodes in the groin reddish (bubo), which if broken will fester and pain.

* Complications that may occur: the death of the fetus in pregnant women are infected, facilitate transmission of HIV infection.

* Laboratory tests to detect it with pewarnaag Gram and cultures in order for a week.


* Caused by the bacterium Chlamydia trachomatis. The infection is usually chronic, because as much as 70% of women at first did not feel any symptoms so do not check themselves.

* Symptoms are caused: Vaginal Fluids dilute yellowish white; Pain in the pelvic cavity; Bleeding after sexual intercourse.

* Complications that may occur: Usually accompanies gonorrhea, pelvic inflammatory disease, infertility due to adhesions at falopian channel; eye infections in newborns; Facilitate the transmission of HIV infection.

* Laboratory tests performed to detect is Elisa, Rapid Test and Giemsa.

Genital warts

* Caused by the Human papilloma virus.

* Symptoms are generated: a large bulge of the skin such as warts around the genitals (such as chicken's comb).

* Complications that may occur: warts can grow as tumors, can turn into cervical cancer, increased risk of contracting HIV-AIDS.

* No need to directly detect the laboratory because it can be seen by the naked eye.


HIV or Human Immunodeficiency Virus is a virus that causes AIDS. This virus attacks the human white blood cells which is the most important in the immune system.

AIDS or Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome is a collection of symptoms caused by the immune system.

HIV-infected person is physically no different than a person who is not infected. Almost no symptoms appear in early HIV infection. But when it developed into AIDS, then that person will slowly lose their immune so susceptible to disease and the body will be weakened.

Drugs that exist at present, has not been able to promise a definitive cure.

HIV test (ELISA twice) should be accompanied with counseling before and after the test is performed.

Everyone is at risk of contracting HIV-AIDS, both young and old, rich or poor, heterosexual or homosexual, famous or not famous. The risk of contracting HIV is not related to who we are, but what we do.

HIV can be transmitted by way of:

1. Unprotected sexual relations with people living with HIV / AIDS (PLWHA).
2. Using a sharp object contaminated by the HIV virus, such as syringes and drug addicts on the user, the appliance maker tattoos and piercings.
3. Getting a transfusion of blood containing the HIV virus.
4. People living with HIV from mother to babies conceived and disusuinya.

HIV can not be transmitted to others through:

1. Shaking hands or hugging.
2. Food from a plate that was once used PLWHA.
3. Coughing or sneezing PLWHA.
4. Mosquito bites.
5. Swimmers swim the same place with people living with HIV.
6. PLHA visiting the home or in hospital.

G-Spot and Female Reproduction Health

Based on the definition of the Ministry of Health, found that reproductive health is a state of overall health and reproductive processes. Thus, reproductive health is not only free of disease conditions, but rather how someone can have a safe sex life and satisfy either before marriage or after marriage.
Female Reproductive Anatomy

Reproductive Anatomy WanitaAlat own reproduction are parts of our body to continue functioning in the offspring. Different female reproductive organs male reproductive organs. In this article we will discuss more specifically the female reproductive tool.

Female reproductive organs consist of two parts, namely the inside and outside. The inside has the following functions:

* Lip genitals (labia majora), namely-haired areas, functions as a protector and keep the inside remains moist.
* Lips in the genitals (labia minora), namely the non-haired and has an extensive network of sensory fibers are very sensitive because it contains nerve endings.
* Vagina, is a liaison between the cavity of the female reproductive organs inside and out.

Meanwhile, outside the woman's reproductive organs have the following functions:

* Vagina exterior, which is an exit for menstrual blood and a way out when the baby is born (all highly flexible so that the baby can come out through the vagina).
* The cervix (the cervix), which is the liaison between the vagina and uterus.
* Rahim (uterus), where the fertilized egg cell grows in the uterus during pregnancy. When the egg is not fertilized, the eggs attached to the uterine wall. Furthermore, the uterine lining to thicken and then shed and flow out in the form of blood. This is called menstruation (menstruation).
* Channel eggs (fallopian tubes), which is located next to the two channels kanana and left uterine cavity that serves as a liaison uterus and ovaries.
* Two of the ovary (ovarian), works to produce eggs and hormones estrogen and progesterone peremputan ie. On the influence of hormones, as many as one to two eggs cooked every month, then released into the uterine wall. This will thicken the uterine wall, which is actually useful as a place to nest after a fertilized egg cell.

Well ... if the signs of maturity of female reproductive organs? Female reproductive maturation is marked by the occurrence of first menstruation, which is called menarche. Usually we refer to such a teenager who had grown women Baligh, which began around the age of 8-12 years. If a woman has experienced menarche, it means that his body had produced that can be fertilized ovum sperm produced by the male body, and can cause pregnancy.

Location of the G-Spot Female

In addition to reproduction earlier, you also need to identify one area that often called G-Spot. Locate the position of the G-Spot wanitaG-Spot (Grafenberg Spot) is now frequently discussed in various media. He said, point G-Spot is a narrow space behind the pubic bone when touched by this woman who will give a tremendous sensation.

Point G-Spot can be found by inserting your fingers into the vagina with your palms facing forward. With touch and play this part slowly, can make multiple orgasms female partner. G Spot can also be stimulated by both when making love with doggy style or spooning position.

So ... armed with knowledge of anatomy and reproductive organs, of course, you can now prepare to enjoy the good times together. Do not be afraid to try and explore the partner's body, because creativity is an essential element for maintaining intimate relationships are always full of passion.

hearth dessease attack

Heart disease is a condition that causes the heart can not carry out their duties properly. These include:

* A weak heart muscle. This is a congenital abnormality. Weak heart muscle that makes people can not do an excessive activity, because the imposition of excessive cardiac performance will cause pain in the chest, and sometimes can cause the body to appear bluish. Patients with weak heart muscle is easy to faint.
* The gap between the right and the porch left the porch, because of incomplete formation of a separate layer between the second platform when the patient is still in the womb. This causes the blood mixed with clean and dirty blood. This disease also makes people unable to perform heavy activities, because of heavy activity that almost certainly will make the patient's body turned blue and shortness of breath, although not cause pain in the chest. There are also variations of this disease, namely a person is really only have one porch.

Heart attack

Heart attack is a condition that causes heart was not functioning. This condition usually occurs suddenly, and often called congestive heart failure. Causes of heart failure vary, but usually the main cause is the inhibition of blood supply to the heart muscles, because the blood vessels that normally drain blood to the heart muscles are blocked or hardened, either because of fat and cholesterol, or because of substance chemical substances such as excessive use of drugs containing Phenol Propano Alanine (ppa) which can be easily found in drugs such as Decolgen, and nicotine.

Lately also often found in sudden cardiac arrest when a person is being activities, such as attacking the few athletes in the world famous football team in the middle of a football field [1]. Usually it is caused by the imposition of heart activity that exceeds the threshold, or the lack of warm up before exercise.

The man who survived a severe heart attack usually also experience complications in other parts of the body, such as stroke. Usually, people who survived a serious heart attack requiring a pacemaker for his heart to not support a sudden halt.


There is no better response to prevent disease and heart attacks, in addition to a healthy lifestyle (such as do not often get up early, often not too late at night, and avoiding tobacco products and alcoholic beverages), a healthy diet (eating fibrous food and reproduce bersayur , and not eating too much fatty food and high cholesterol), and regular exercise and not excessive. However, there are some substances that are believed to be able to reduce or increase the risk of disease and heart attacks, among others:

* Some researchers say that the substance allicin found in garlic may help maintain heart health. Research shows that by virtue substance allicin, the tension of blood vessels is reduced 72% [2]. But some other researchers have also stated that there was no correlation between heart health Garlic. In a study conducted in 90 smokers body fat, European researchers found that the addition of garlic powder for 3 months showed no changes in their cholesterol levels or some other sign of heart disease risk [3].
* Studies show that reducing smoking does not reduce the risk of heart disease. To truly reduce the risk of heart disease, one should really stop smoking [4].
* The findings, published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology revealed consumption of Vitamin C supplements may reduce the risk of heart disease [5].
* Research has shown that reducing salt intake may reduce risk of heart disease. Consumption of salt can increase blood pressure. In the experiment a low-salt diet showed the risk of heart disease up to 25% and the risk of heart attack up to 20%



Stroke is the second leading cause of death in the world with more than 5.1 million digits. The mortality rate in men and women are relatively similar, but mortality rates in poor countries and developing countries is much greater than the stroke death rate in developed countries. Year 2020, the death rate from stroke is expected to reach 6.7 million people.
Stroke occurs when blood vessels in the brain rupture or blockage. Stroke symptoms lasting more than 24 hours.
Based on the cause, stroke is divided into two kinds, namely:

1. Cerebral haemorrhage (stroke hemorajik), namely a stroke that occurred due to rupture of blood vessels.
2. Ischaemic stroke (ischemic stroke), which is a stroke that occurred because of blockage of blood vessels.

Visits and symptoms, stroke is divided into three kinds, namely:
1. Stroke while (recovered within a few minutes or hours).
2. Minor stroke (cured in a few weeks).
3. Severe stroke (cured by leaving the disabled, can not be recovered, even in a few months (years) can lead to death.
Both the stroke while, light and heavy has five main symptoms are:
1. Dizziness or headaches suddenly, without knowing why.
2. The sudden loss of balance, coordination and body control.
3. Loss of sight in one or both eyes.
4. Lost consciousness and did not speak clearly.
5. Weakness and paralysis in the face, arms, hands, especially on one side of the body.

Actions and Pencegaban

Although only a temporary stroke, but is recommended for patients quickly to the nearest hospital or doctor. Handling the doctor or the hospital will determine the patient's recovery.

Sejurnlah and stroke patients can be cured, but many died or suffered permanent disability (paralysis, impaired speech and loss of some memory). Hemorajik Stroke has a greater probabiliitas as the cause of chickenpox or death than ischemic stroke.

A person who had suffered a mild stroke can get a repeat stroke. Even very high risk of stroke recurrence. Less is more, and five patients will receive secondary stroke within five years. But with the development of stroke treatment, the risk of recurrence of the disease can be reduced. Acetyl salicylic acid that is widely used by patients with ischemic stroke (TIA) can reduce the risk of secondary stroke by 25-33%.

Surgery to remove blockages in the carotid artery blood flow to the brain also can reduce the risk of stroke in patients with ischemic stroke (TIA). But only a small portion of patients can undergo surgery in medicine anti-clotting drug may be used to reduce the risk of stroke due to cardiac rhythm disturbances. However, only a small proportion of patients who receive them.

Anyone will never know when the stroke came. However, preventive measures below may be a breath of fresh air for everyone:

+ Routine checking of blood pressure
Blood pressure level is the most dominant factor in all types of stroke. The higher the blood pressure the greater the risk of stroke. If blood pressure increases, immediately consult a doctor. Blood pressure should be aware that if the highest figure in the top 135 and bottom number is 85.

+ Beware of arrhythmia (fibrillation attrial)
Showed abnormal heartbeats that cause functional changes and the collected blood clot within the heart. Heart rate of blood clots that can move into the bloodstream that cause strokes. Arrhythmia can be detected with the pulse rate.

+ Stop smoking and anti-alcohol
Smoking may increase the risk of stroke doubles. As with cigarettes, alcohol can increase the risk of stroke and other diseases such as liver.

+ Check your cholesterol levels in the body
Knowing the level of cholesterol can increase awareness of stroke. High cholesterol leads to increased risk of stroke. If cholesterol is high, then quickly lowered by choosing foods to lower cholesterol. In order not excessive cholesterol in the body, then replace the intake of saturated fats with unsaturated fatty acid intake, such as omega 3, 6 and 9.

+ Controls blood sugar levels
Diabetes can increase the risk of stroke. If you are diabetic, consult with a doctor about the foods and beverages can be consumed to lower blood sugar.

+ Olabraga regular
brisk walking at least 30 minutes a day can reduce stroke risk. You can also do sports pool, bike, dance, golf, or tennis. Choose a sport you enjoy and do regularly three times a week.

+ Consumption of low-sodium salt and fat diet
Reduce salt intake high bersodium. Conversely consume fruits, vegetables, and grains to reduce the risk of stroke.

+ Beware of blood circulation disorders
Stroke associated with the heart, arteries and veins. The three parts are important to the circulation of blood throughout the body, including to the brain and heart. When there are fatty deposits that block the flow, then the risk of stroke increases. This problem can be treated. Operation is also able to overcome the fatty deposits that block arteries.

Stroke Causes

MANY conditions that can lead to stroke, such as hardening of the arteries, or better known as arteriosclerosis. The trigger is stress, high-fat diet, and lack of exercise. But in fact these three factors can be classified as a controlled risk. In general, stroke risk factors were divided into two kinds: 1. Not a Controlled Risk Factors
Ie uncontrolled risk factors include: age, gender, lineage, and race (ethnic) specific.
• Age
Increasing age, the higher the risk for getting a stroke. After 55 years of age, stroke risk doubles. Two thirds of stroke occur in people aged over 65 years. But by no means only on the elderly, stroke can strike all age groups.
• Gender
Men at higher risk of stroke in women. But the study concluded that more women who died of a stroke. Stroke risk men and 1.25 higher in women. But a stroke in men occurs at a younger age so that a higher survival rate. Meanwhile, women are more potential to have a stroke in the elderly to die of the disease was likely greater.
• Keturuan, family history of stroke in
Stroke is also associated with heredity. The essential role of genetic factors include high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease and defects in the form of blood vessels. styles and patterns of family life can support the risk of stroke. Defects in blood vessels form (cadasil) is probably the most influential genetic factor compared to other stroke risk factors.

2. Controlled Risk Factors
There are also risk factors that could be cured with the aid of drugs or life changes. Some of these risk factors, among others:
• Hypertension
Hypertension is a major risk factor that causes hardening and blockage of arteries. Hypertensive patients have a stroke risk factor of four to six times more than people that is free of hypertension. Approximately 40-90% of stroke was pendetia hypertension before the stroke.
Medically, the blood pressure above pertained 140-90 in hypertension. As the effects of hypertension on the overall risk of stroke declines with age. In elderly people, other factors beyond hypertension play a bigger role against the risk of stroke. In a person who does not suffer from hypertension, the risk of stroke rose steadily until the age of 90, equals the risk of stroke in someone who has hypertension.
Numerous studies show that anti-hypertensive drugs can reduce the risk of stroke by 38% and reduction in death rates from stroke by 40%.
• Heart disease
The next risk factor for heart disease (especially, atrial fibrilation), namely heart disease with irregular heartbeat in the upper left chamber. Heart rate in the left atrium reached four times faster than in other parts of the heart. This will cause the blood flow becomes irregular and incidentally forming blood clots. Blob blob which then reaches the brain causing a stroke. In an age above 80 years, atrial fibrilation is the leading cause of death in one and four stroke patients.
Other heart diseases are defects in the form of heart valve (mitral valve stenosis) or (mitral valve calcification). Also defects in the form of heart muscle, for example: PFO (patent foramen ovale) or a hole in the heart wall which presuppose both chambers above. Naturally, in the blood clot is usually filtered in the lungs. Because the hole, walls of the heart that can not pass the blood clot through the lungs, but directly into the brain arteries can cause a stroke. Other heart valve defects are ASA (atrial septal aneurysm) or a defective form of congenital (from birth) in heart tissue, which inflate the heart wall at one booth. PFO and ASA, which often occur together were able to increase the risk of stroke.
Still, there are two forms of cardiac defects that appear memerbesar risk of stroke without apparent cause. First, the left atrial enlargement of the left heart chambers causing the heart rhythm becomes limp. Ventricular hypertrophy on the left, where the wall of the left ventricle is thicker causing less elastic blood pumping.
Another factor may occur in the implementation of cardiac surgery that attempts to repair defects of the heart. Unexpectedly, a plaque that can be detached and the aortic wall (heart aorta) is swept away to follow the flow of blood to the neck and the brain which then causes a stroke.
• Diabetes
Patients with diabetes have a threefold risk of stroke and the peak at age 50-60 years. After that, the risk will decrease. But there are other factors that could memerbesar risk of stroke. Because generally, approximately 40% of patients with diabetes also have hypertension.
• Blood cholesterol
Research has shown that foods rich in saturated fat and cholesterol such as meat, eggs, and dairy products can increase cholesterol levels in the body and affect the risk of atherosclerosis and thickening of the arteries. Cholesterol levels below 200 mg / dl are considered safe, whereas above 240 mg / dl is dangerous and puts at risk a heart disease and stroke.
Repair rate of cholesterol with a healthy diet and regular exercise can reduce the risk of atherosclerosis and stroke. In certain cases, doctors can provide cholesterol-lowering drugs.
• Smoking
Smoking is a risk factor for stroke is actually the most easily modified. Heavy smokers face a greater risk than lighter smokers. Regardless and other risk factors, smoking is capable of folding-and double the risk of ischemic stroke increases the risk of hemorrhagic subaraknoid up to 3.5% Smoking is the real cause of the stroke is a lot happening in adulthood than middle-aged or older. Indeed the risk of stroke can be reduced immediately, after quitting smoking in a period of 2-4 years. Please note, smoking triggers the production of fibrinogen (blood penggumpal factor) that stimulates the emergence of atherosclerosis.
In patients for smoking, the damage due to stroke is much more severe. Because the inner wall (endothelial) in the blood vessel system of the brain (cerebrovascular) usually has weakened. This noodle cause greater damage to the brain during a stroke up the second stage.
• Excessive Alcohol
In general, increased alcohol konsuniii always accompanied with the increase in blood pressure that leads to an increased risk of ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke. Excessive alcohol consumption is not able to reduce platelet clumping power in the blood, just like asnirin. Thus, alcohol consumption that is regarded as sufficient to protect the body and the danger of ischemic stroke.
The New England Journal of Medicine (edition of 18 November 2000) reports: "Physicians Health Study has monitored, that the 22 000 men during 12 years proved to consume alcohol once a day decreased the risk of stroke." Klaus Berger MD (Brigham and Women's Hospital, Boston) also found the benefits of alcohol when consumed once a week. But in reality, the discipline in the use of the benefits of alcohol consumption is very difficult to control and even more dangerous side effects.
Another study also concluded: "With Excessive alcohol consumption can affect the number of platelets that leads to the viscosity and clotting of blood. As a result, this will cause bleeding in the brain and increases the risk of ischemic stroke. "
• Drugs
Use of illegal drugs like cocaine and other dairy compounds can lead to stroke, the triggers sampingg other risk factors such as hypertension, heart disease and blood vessels. Cocaine also cause interference or memercepat heartbeats (arrythmias). These drugs cause the formation of blood clots. Acknowledged that marijuana can reduce blood pressure and when interacting with other risk factors such as hypertension and smoking, will cause the blood pressure fluctuates rapidly. This situation is potentially damaging blood vessels.
• head and neck injuries
Injury to the head can cause bleeding in the brain. The damage was the same as in the hemorrhagic stroke. Injury to the neck, when associated with the tearing of the spine or the carotid arteries - caused by stretching or cervical screening or because of excessive pressure on the vessels is a significant cause of stroke, especially at a young age.
• Infection
Viral and bacterial infections that can be combined with other risk factors that trigger the occurrence of stroke. Naturally, the body's immune system usually take the fight against infections that increase inflammation and ward off infection in the blood. Unfortunately, this immune reaction to increase blood clotting factor that actually triggers the risk of ischemic stroke-embolik.

dental health smoking mouth

Smoking is already a common thing that we find everywhere in the world. This custom is so widely performed in both environments are highly educated and less educated. Smoking has become a complex problem involving psychological and social phenomena.

Much of the research done and even disturbing to realize that smoking is a healthy body. But to stop this activity very difficult.

Especially smoking may lead to cardiovascular disease and cancer, both cancerous lung, esophagus, laryng and oral cavity.
Cancer in the oral cavity usually begins with an irritation of the products are burned and smoked cigarettes. This irritation causes white lesions that are not sick.
Also smoking can also cause abnormalities in the oral cavity such as tongue, gums, oral mucosa, teeth and palate in the form of stomatitis nikotina and fungal infections.

Cigarette smoke components and substances that are harmful to the body. Number of components depending on the type of tobacco, combustion temperature, the length of the cigarette, the porosity of paper wrappers, spices, and whether there is a filter cigarette. Whereas dangerous substances such as gases and particles. We suck on the cigarette smoke contains 90% of various gases such as N2, O2, CO2, 10%, the rest contain certain particles such as tar, nicotine and others. Particles in cigarette smoke can cause cancer (carcinogenic) is the tar.


In heavy smokers, smoking causes stimulation to the papilafiliformis (bulge / hanging on the tongue at the top) so that becomes longer (hypertrophy). Here the result of burning cigarettes easily deposited brownish black, so the smoker is difficult to feel a sense of bitter, salty, and sweet, because damage to the tip of the tentacle sensory (tastebuds).


Number of tartar in smokers are more prone than non-smokers. Tartar are not cleaned can cause a variety of complaints such as gingivitis or bleeding gums. Besides, from burning cigarettes may cause circulation of blood circulation to the gums so easy to contract the disease.

Mucosal thickening AKOBAT SMOKING

Smoking is a risk factor for leukoplakia is a white patches or plaques on oral mucosa that can not be deleted. This can be found at the age of 30-70 years the majority of sufferers are smokers, especially men. According to a study of all cases of leukoplakia Silverman 95% were smokers.

Constant irritation from tobacco combustion products cause thickening of the oral mucosal tissue. Before clinical symptoms appear, irritation from tobacco smoke was attacked mucosal epithelial cells, thus increasing its activity. These symptoms only visible when cellular activity increases and becomes a thick epithelium, especially looking at the buccal mucosa (mucosa facing the cheek) and on the floor of the mouth. Oral mucosal changes seen as white patches. White spots are probably caused by a thick epithelium saturated with saliva (spit). Experts said that leukoplakia is a pre-malignant lesions in the mouth. Leukoplakia becomes malignant changes 3-6%.


Teeth can be discolored by tobacco. At first it stains caused by nicotine is considered, but in fact is the result of burning tobacco in the form of tar. Nicotine itself is colorless and soluble. Shafer and his colleagues say that the brown color occurs in regular smokers, while the black color occurs in smokers who use the pipe. The stains are easy to clean because there is only on the plains outside the tooth. But in people who smoked during their lives, these stains can be entered into the superficial layer of tooth enamel and difficult to remove.

Smoking habits affect oral health, especially changes in the mucosa (mucous membranes). Most, cancers of the mouth begins with mucosal changes. These changes do not cause pain (pre-malignant lesions), so no attention until the situation becomes advanced. Therefore, if there are white patches, as early as possible to come to the dentist.

Make a habit of checking your teeth once every six months, although no respiratory symptoms. And most important is a strong will to eliminate smoking habits, if necessary in consultation with your doctor

dental health caries diet

Caries is one of the teeth and mouth disease caused by several factors, I think I've perbah dipostingan previously discussed and you will be more clearly related to caries:). Diet one of the current trend of young people, especially for young women who wanted to appear more PD and the slenderness of her body guard. But what is the relationship between caries and diet huh? Here I will try to explain a bit.

Basically the relationship between caries and diet is very simple and easy to understand, some people healthy diet and healthy living berprila will decrease dental problems. why this is so, this is due to reduced consumption of sugar in the body and consume more food ingredients or with natural sweeteners such as fruits that are very good for the body as well as for dental and oral health. When we consume fruits like apples, apple will indirectly help to clean teeth naturally we are like brushing my teeth, well it is advisable to use the apple menu cover or replace your snack with fruit - fruit. In addition to our teeth and mouth healthy so our bodies stay slim:).

Relations between diet and caries intimately related to the amount of sweetener or sugar consumption is consumed by our bodies, in fact God has created us as an oral warning gate and extraordinary. as where not, if the food we eat is not good for the body or against the gelaja that look will be seen in the area surrounding the oral cavity, such as tonsils, mouth ulcer, a split lip - breaks, caries, sore throat and the other - the other. then identify the foods that you consume. Highly recommended to return to the simple lifestyle and return to nature. My advice from now on leave food with chemicals and get back to Nature.

Just added:
Remember that cooking with MSG indicate processing food makers ill-equipped to process materials with a blend of culinary herbs - herbs that are available. When a chef or cook could be processed foodstuffs and ingredients do not need added flavoring ingredients.

green tea anti cancer

THERE ARE many kinds of tea that is currently circulating in the market. But in general, based on its processing, there are three types of tea. First, black tea is produced through a fermentation process. Second, green tea is a completely free process of fermentation. Third, oolong tea are made by semi-fermentation process

Based on the results of Tea and Quinine Research Center, at every 100 grams of black tea contained 19.4 grams of protein, 10.9 grams of fiber, 2.5 grams of fat, and 32.1 grams of sugar. So without any added sugar, black tea contains enough sugar.

The content of different green tea again. In every 100 grams there are 24 grams protein, 10.6 grams fiber, 4.6 grams of fat and sugar content of 35.2 grams. Although the fat content is higher than black tea, do not be afraid to consume them. You see, there are substances in green tea penetralisirnya namely, vitamin C. For every 100 grams of green tea, contained 250 mg of vitamin C. In fact, in 100 grams of green tea Sencha 700 grams comparable with mandarin oranges.

United States National Cancer Institute concluded that even well, green tea has powerful anti-cancer properties.

coronary hearth desease attact

Symptoms are often taken for granted, but if the contract is, lives are at stake. That's what makes a dangerous coronary heart disease. Moreover with the notion that the threat of disease because of high cholesterol is only valid for those who are elderly or whose weight is excessive.

In fact, now more and more people in productive age (from 20s) may experience disruption of blood vessels and heart attack, due to excessive cholesterol in the blood. Even from the data published by the World Health Organization (WHO), currently 25% of world population has high cholesterol. Why did this happen?

Increasing number of patients with coronary heart disease can not be separated from the shift in lifestyle, especially diet community. If people in developed countries have started to realize the importance of reducing cholesterol and fat in their diet; in developing countries, diet high in fat, cholesterol and salt instead increased, along with the number of junk food and snacks that use saturated oils. Obviously the risk increases if there are innate factors, in addition to environmental factors, such as stress and the increasing number of free radicals are formed due to high pollution levels, as well as lack of movement or exercise due to the demands of intensive activity.

7 tips to prevent hearth attack coronary

Coronary heart disease is one of the degenerative disease, meaning that the disease process takes place in a long time, even up to a dozen or a dozen years. Without us knowing it, since we were kids we've started to 'accumulate' cholesterol in our veins. After years, of course, deposition of fat and cholesterol in blood vessel walls become gradually narrows blood vessels and no longer elastic. Consequently, when the blood clot is formed (clot), blood flow will be obstructed, and blood vessels burst / blocked. When this occurs in blood vessels to the brain, that's what we are familiar with the stroke, while in case of the blood vessels to the heart, this is what we all know by heart attacks.

So, who knows the condition of the blood vessels of our current pattern of life which we live today? And, if the cholesterol accumulation was clearly a pioneer of coronary heart disease, how this dangerous substance that can be stacked in our veins? Research shows that cholesterol and fat can attach to and accumulate in the blood vessel wall if the inner wall of blood vessels (endothelium) is damaged and no longer flat due to exposure to free radicals. Free radicals is of course not only damaging our blood vessel walls, but all our other organs were involved were affected.

Prevention to do as early as possible

1. Exercise regularly to help keep the fat burning and keep the circulatory current.
2. Reduce consumption of fatty foods / high cholesterol and increasing consumption of foods high in fiber, like vegetables and fruits.
3. Maintain ideal body weight.
4. Adequate rest and reduce stress, so that the amount of free radicals formed in the body is not too much.
5th. Avoid cigarettes, coffee, and alcoholic beverages.
6. Conduct laboratory examinations regularly to monitor the levels of cholesterol in the blood.
7. Keeping the environment clean.