Sexually transmitted diseases (venereal disease).
Is an infection transmitted through sexual intercourse. Will be high risk if performed with multiple sexual partners. Both men and women could be at risk of contracting venereal disease. Women at greater risk of contracting because the shape of reproductive organs are more vulnerable to STDs. Unfortunately, 50% of women who are infected with an STD do not know that he is infected. STDs can not be prevented simply by:
1. Cleaning the genitals after intercourse.
2. Traditional herbal drink.
3. Taking antibiotics before and after intercourse.
Common STDs found in Indonesia are:
1. Gonorrea.
2. Clamidia.
3. Syphilis.
4. Genital herpes.
5. Trikonomiasis.
6. Ulkul mole (chancroid).
7. Genital warts.
* Germs cause: Neisseria gonnorrhoeae.
* The incubation period or the spread of germs: 2-10 days after sex.
* The signs: pain during urination, redness, swelling and ulcers on the genitals.
* Complications arise: panggunl inflammatory infection, sterility, cause blindness in babies born.
* Examination: Gram stain and culture in order.
Syphilis (LION KING)
* Germs cause: Trepanema palidum.
* Incubation period without symptoms lasted 3-13 weeks, then lump arising around the genitalia, accompanied by headache, bone pain, will be lost temporarily. 6-12 weeks after sex red spots appear on the body that can go away unnoticed. 50-10 years this disease will attack the nervous system of the brain, blood vessels and heart.
* Complications in pregnant women: can give birth with a physical disability such as damage to the skin, spleen, liver and mental retardation.
* Inspection: laboratory tests to detect the RPR (Rapid Plasma Reagent) and TPHA (Trepanema Palidum Hemagglutination Assay).
* Caused by the protozoan Trichomonas vaginalis.
* Symptoms that may be generated include: watery vaginal discharge greenish yellow, frothy, and foul-smelling; About pubic swelling, redness, itching and uncomfortable.
* Complications that can occur: blisters around the genitals, babies born prematurely, facilitate transmission of HIV infection.
* Laboratory tests to detect the KOH wet preparations.
Mole Ulcer (Chancroid)
* Caused by the bacterium Hemophilus ducreyi.
* Symptoms that may be posed include: wounds more than 2 cm in diameter, concave, irregular edges, out pus and pain, usually only on one side of the genitalia. Often (50%) accompanied by swollen lymph nodes in the groin reddish (bubo), which if broken will fester and pain.
* Complications that may occur: the death of the fetus in pregnant women are infected, facilitate transmission of HIV infection.
* Laboratory tests to detect it with pewarnaag Gram and cultures in order for a week.
* Caused by the bacterium Chlamydia trachomatis. The infection is usually chronic, because as much as 70% of women at first did not feel any symptoms so do not check themselves.
* Symptoms are caused: Vaginal Fluids dilute yellowish white; Pain in the pelvic cavity; Bleeding after sexual intercourse.
* Complications that may occur: Usually accompanies gonorrhea, pelvic inflammatory disease, infertility due to adhesions at falopian channel; eye infections in newborns; Facilitate the transmission of HIV infection.
* Laboratory tests performed to detect is Elisa, Rapid Test and Giemsa.
Genital warts
* Caused by the Human papilloma virus.
* Symptoms are generated: a large bulge of the skin such as warts around the genitals (such as chicken's comb).
* Complications that may occur: warts can grow as tumors, can turn into cervical cancer, increased risk of contracting HIV-AIDS.
* No need to directly detect the laboratory because it can be seen by the naked eye.
HIV or Human Immunodeficiency Virus is a virus that causes AIDS. This virus attacks the human white blood cells which is the most important in the immune system.
AIDS or Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome is a collection of symptoms caused by the immune system.
HIV-infected person is physically no different than a person who is not infected. Almost no symptoms appear in early HIV infection. But when it developed into AIDS, then that person will slowly lose their immune so susceptible to disease and the body will be weakened.
Drugs that exist at present, has not been able to promise a definitive cure.
HIV test (ELISA twice) should be accompanied with counseling before and after the test is performed.
Everyone is at risk of contracting HIV-AIDS, both young and old, rich or poor, heterosexual or homosexual, famous or not famous. The risk of contracting HIV is not related to who we are, but what we do.
HIV can be transmitted by way of:
1. Unprotected sexual relations with people living with HIV / AIDS (PLWHA).
2. Using a sharp object contaminated by the HIV virus, such as syringes and drug addicts on the user, the appliance maker tattoos and piercings.
3. Getting a transfusion of blood containing the HIV virus.
4. People living with HIV from mother to babies conceived and disusuinya.
HIV can not be transmitted to others through:
1. Shaking hands or hugging.
2. Food from a plate that was once used PLWHA.
3. Coughing or sneezing PLWHA.
4. Mosquito bites.
5. Swimmers swim the same place with people living with HIV.
6. PLHA visiting the home or in hospital.