MANY conditions that can lead to stroke, such as hardening of the arteries, or better known as arteriosclerosis. The trigger is stress, high-fat diet, and lack of exercise. But in fact these three factors can be classified as a controlled risk. In general, stroke risk factors were divided into two kinds: 1. Not a Controlled Risk Factors
Ie uncontrolled risk factors include: age, gender, lineage, and race (ethnic) specific.
• Age
Increasing age, the higher the risk for getting a stroke. After 55 years of age, stroke risk doubles. Two thirds of stroke occur in people aged over 65 years. But by no means only on the elderly, stroke can strike all age groups.
• Gender
Men at higher risk of stroke in women. But the study concluded that more women who died of a stroke. Stroke risk men and 1.25 higher in women. But a stroke in men occurs at a younger age so that a higher survival rate. Meanwhile, women are more potential to have a stroke in the elderly to die of the disease was likely greater.
• Keturuan, family history of stroke in
Stroke is also associated with heredity. The essential role of genetic factors include high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease and defects in the form of blood vessels. styles and patterns of family life can support the risk of stroke. Defects in blood vessels form (cadasil) is probably the most influential genetic factor compared to other stroke risk factors.
2. Controlled Risk Factors
There are also risk factors that could be cured with the aid of drugs or life changes. Some of these risk factors, among others:
• Hypertension
Hypertension is a major risk factor that causes hardening and blockage of arteries. Hypertensive patients have a stroke risk factor of four to six times more than people that is free of hypertension. Approximately 40-90% of stroke was pendetia hypertension before the stroke.
Medically, the blood pressure above pertained 140-90 in hypertension. As the effects of hypertension on the overall risk of stroke declines with age. In elderly people, other factors beyond hypertension play a bigger role against the risk of stroke. In a person who does not suffer from hypertension, the risk of stroke rose steadily until the age of 90, equals the risk of stroke in someone who has hypertension.
Numerous studies show that anti-hypertensive drugs can reduce the risk of stroke by 38% and reduction in death rates from stroke by 40%.
• Heart disease
The next risk factor for heart disease (especially, atrial fibrilation), namely heart disease with irregular heartbeat in the upper left chamber. Heart rate in the left atrium reached four times faster than in other parts of the heart. This will cause the blood flow becomes irregular and incidentally forming blood clots. Blob blob which then reaches the brain causing a stroke. In an age above 80 years, atrial fibrilation is the leading cause of death in one and four stroke patients.
Other heart diseases are defects in the form of heart valve (mitral valve stenosis) or (mitral valve calcification). Also defects in the form of heart muscle, for example: PFO (patent foramen ovale) or a hole in the heart wall which presuppose both chambers above. Naturally, in the blood clot is usually filtered in the lungs. Because the hole, walls of the heart that can not pass the blood clot through the lungs, but directly into the brain arteries can cause a stroke. Other heart valve defects are ASA (atrial septal aneurysm) or a defective form of congenital (from birth) in heart tissue, which inflate the heart wall at one booth. PFO and ASA, which often occur together were able to increase the risk of stroke.
Still, there are two forms of cardiac defects that appear memerbesar risk of stroke without apparent cause. First, the left atrial enlargement of the left heart chambers causing the heart rhythm becomes limp. Ventricular hypertrophy on the left, where the wall of the left ventricle is thicker causing less elastic blood pumping.
Another factor may occur in the implementation of cardiac surgery that attempts to repair defects of the heart. Unexpectedly, a plaque that can be detached and the aortic wall (heart aorta) is swept away to follow the flow of blood to the neck and the brain which then causes a stroke.
• Diabetes
Patients with diabetes have a threefold risk of stroke and the peak at age 50-60 years. After that, the risk will decrease. But there are other factors that could memerbesar risk of stroke. Because generally, approximately 40% of patients with diabetes also have hypertension.
• Blood cholesterol
Research has shown that foods rich in saturated fat and cholesterol such as meat, eggs, and dairy products can increase cholesterol levels in the body and affect the risk of atherosclerosis and thickening of the arteries. Cholesterol levels below 200 mg / dl are considered safe, whereas above 240 mg / dl is dangerous and puts at risk a heart disease and stroke.
Repair rate of cholesterol with a healthy diet and regular exercise can reduce the risk of atherosclerosis and stroke. In certain cases, doctors can provide cholesterol-lowering drugs.
• Smoking
Smoking is a risk factor for stroke is actually the most easily modified. Heavy smokers face a greater risk than lighter smokers. Regardless and other risk factors, smoking is capable of folding-and double the risk of ischemic stroke increases the risk of hemorrhagic subaraknoid up to 3.5% Smoking is the real cause of the stroke is a lot happening in adulthood than middle-aged or older. Indeed the risk of stroke can be reduced immediately, after quitting smoking in a period of 2-4 years. Please note, smoking triggers the production of fibrinogen (blood penggumpal factor) that stimulates the emergence of atherosclerosis.
In patients for smoking, the damage due to stroke is much more severe. Because the inner wall (endothelial) in the blood vessel system of the brain (cerebrovascular) usually has weakened. This noodle cause greater damage to the brain during a stroke up the second stage.
• Excessive Alcohol
In general, increased alcohol konsuniii always accompanied with the increase in blood pressure that leads to an increased risk of ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke. Excessive alcohol consumption is not able to reduce platelet clumping power in the blood, just like asnirin. Thus, alcohol consumption that is regarded as sufficient to protect the body and the danger of ischemic stroke.
The New England Journal of Medicine (edition of 18 November 2000) reports: "Physicians Health Study has monitored, that the 22 000 men during 12 years proved to consume alcohol once a day decreased the risk of stroke." Klaus Berger MD (Brigham and Women's Hospital, Boston) also found the benefits of alcohol when consumed once a week. But in reality, the discipline in the use of the benefits of alcohol consumption is very difficult to control and even more dangerous side effects.
Another study also concluded: "With Excessive alcohol consumption can affect the number of platelets that leads to the viscosity and clotting of blood. As a result, this will cause bleeding in the brain and increases the risk of ischemic stroke. "
• Drugs
Use of illegal drugs like cocaine and other dairy compounds can lead to stroke, the triggers sampingg other risk factors such as hypertension, heart disease and blood vessels. Cocaine also cause interference or memercepat heartbeats (arrythmias). These drugs cause the formation of blood clots. Acknowledged that marijuana can reduce blood pressure and when interacting with other risk factors such as hypertension and smoking, will cause the blood pressure fluctuates rapidly. This situation is potentially damaging blood vessels.
• head and neck injuries
Injury to the head can cause bleeding in the brain. The damage was the same as in the hemorrhagic stroke. Injury to the neck, when associated with the tearing of the spine or the carotid arteries - caused by stretching or cervical screening or because of excessive pressure on the vessels is a significant cause of stroke, especially at a young age.
• Infection
Viral and bacterial infections that can be combined with other risk factors that trigger the occurrence of stroke. Naturally, the body's immune system usually take the fight against infections that increase inflammation and ward off infection in the blood. Unfortunately, this immune reaction to increase blood clotting factor that actually triggers the risk of ischemic stroke-embolik.