Showing posts with label slim. Show all posts
Showing posts with label slim. Show all posts

obesity vs vegetable and your body (2)

Gado-gado or salad
You can put whatever vegetables you like into the salad, like lettuce, tomatoes, corn, peppers, carrots, onions and others. Besides vegetables,

Why is it necessary to eat vegetables?
There are three processes that occur in the body, namely combustion (power), construction (growth) and settings. To get the energy, the body requires carbohydrate, fat and protein. Meanwhile, to grow and develop necessary protein and water. And to arrange for all these processes occur must have vitamins and minerals derived from vegetables and fruits. "That is why the vegetables are very important for the body, because there are certain substances that can only be obtained through the vegetables. The meat also contained vitamins and minerals, but the number was only a little," says Leane.

Eat plenty of vegetables and fruits is also an ideal way to lose weight naturally. Besides low calories and low in fat, fiber in vegetables can satiate the stomach. Vegetables also make work a better intestinal peristalsis, thereby facilitating defecation.

Serve with a draw
How interesting presentation and processing can help you get rid of a sense of reluctance to eat vegetables. No need to consume a raw vegetable or put a whole pile of vegetables in your dinner plate. Try to make it more delicious cooked into soups, pizza, pie or lasagna. With cut into smaller sizes or mixed with other foodstuffs, vegetables will be more nice views. Moreover, when eating soup, you will not feel the flavor and aroma of each vegetable. Or as in pastel or lasagna, you do not have to look straight vegetable because the dough is wrapped closed.

Allow plus fruit
A lot of nutrition in the vegetables was also found in fruit. So you could replace the nutritional deficiencies of these vegetables with fruits. But that does not mean avoiding vegetables altogether. There are nutrients and compounds in vegetables that can not be easily obtained elsewhere. "The fruit contains more vitamins, but less fiber and minerals," says Leane. But you could combine fruits with vegetables. Drink a glass of juice in the morning and another one in the afternoon or evening can be a sizable business. But because the number of fibers lost in the processing of juice, so not a good idea if only rely on juice alone. And do not forget, pay attention to the variations in type and color of the fruit that you eat. Each type and color has its own advantages.

3 tips for healthy skin

Tips for healthy skin. Your skin is the most important thing you have. People will automatically judge other people from its appearance.

Healthy Foods for Healthy Living Healthy Foods for Healthy Living

There are several ways diet would lose weight if you follow the right way as they are designed. but it does not mean that all foods fit into a diet is a healthy food, but it does not mean you should change your diet to conform with the rules of the diet.

Rather than worry about following the diet, it's better to think about a healthy lifestyle instead. Begin by learning to choose foods that are good for you.

The closer the food is taken from the cycle of nature, then the food is better for you. Fresh fruits and vegetables have a lot of great vitamins and minerals, boiled them to retain the most nutritional value and be careful with sauces, they may be high in calories and fat is not good for you.

Apple is good for the body, but the apple pie made really not good for the body. Serve seafood two or three times a week. Fish and chicken meat will be healthier on serve in the form of baked than fried

make it a habit to drink water, milk and 100% fruit and juice as the main drink softdrink and limit sweet drinks. If you are bored with mineral water, try adding a few pieces of lemon to add a touch of flavor.

Do not forget to eat a variety of foods to get all the vitamins and minerals you need to be healthy.

tea and fat

RITUAL sip tea has been known since 3000 years BC in China, namely when the government ruling emperor Shen Nung. This ritual is then developed in Japan since 1192. As a result, do not be surprised if people in two countries, it makes the tea as a ritual

Originally, this ritual as it is running. Residents in China do not know exactly which properties of real tea. They simply believe that tea can neutralize fat content in blood, urine launched, and inhibit diarrhea.

The Japanese people believe, the tea can be refreshing the body was missing while doing meditation for hours and hours.

Along with the development of food science, some countries also consume tea. No wonder tea consumption continues to increase.

Eg British Society of tea consumed 2.5 kg per capita annually. Irish citizens consumption even higher, which reaches 3.5 kg per capita. Pakistani and Indian tea each year to spend as much as 1 kg per capita and 0.6 kg per capita. As in Indonesia, a new tea consumption level per capita of just 0.2 kg.

easy and healthy slim

Often we hear someone eat a little, but her weight kept going up. While there are people who eat a lot, but weight is always controlled. That's because the basal metabolic rate (BMR) is low so the body burns calories by slow and easy to store fat.
Want to increase the BMR? Try this way:

1. Eat early
Remember, always breakfast to supply energy needs. Focus on the food menu is low fat, high fiber, protein, and complex carbohydrates. A diet like this will not quickly make the hungry. In contrast, fatty food is not enough to satisfy the tongue and stomach because the body look fat as an energy source that is used only during an emergency.

2. Do not make yourself hungry
Do not just cut calories needs. Because, the body will think it was too drastic reduction in calories as a harbinger of the coming of the famine. BMR was decreased. As a result, despite eating less, weight never dropped.

3. Add protein
The amount of energy to digest protein produced higher compared with the energy to digest carbohydrates. Still eat carbs, but try adding meat, tofu, and soybeans to burn ekstraenergi.

4. Select sport aerobic
Aerobic exercise can include exercise, walking, bicycling, or swimming. The benefit is to increase the BMR can be felt immediately. Weight training also has a calorie burning effect that could be felt several hours after exercise.

5th. Do not forget weight training
Train the muscle with weight training two to three times a week. Half a kilogram of muscle burns nine times more calories than a pound of fat. Regular weight training in a cool spot to raise the body temperature can also raise your metabolic rate at rest up to 9 percent. Not bad, right? You just sit back while burning calories.

6. Sports prior to menstruation
Create the women, regular exercise two weeks before menstruation can burn about 30 percent fat. Why? Sports tend to be better performance at the final menstrual period, when ovarian hormone secreted high.

7. Many drinking
Dehydration causes the body's metabolism is inefficient. Lack of water causes the body temperature down so that your metabolism down and your body will store fat to increase the temperature.

8. Vitamin B Supplements
Vitamin B helps the body use energy, supports the adrenal and thyroid systems, and to encourage energy production inside and outside the cell. Maybe you need to supplement vitamin B if MRL too low.

9. Nutrition for thyroid
Important for the metabolism of the thyroid. Do not forget mengasup iodine-rich foods, such as salmon, tuna and seaweed. Also, vitamin B, C, E, niacin, and zinc contained in brown rice, avocado, and orange.

10. Spicy food
The content of capsaicin in chili peppers can temporarily increase your metabolism. Capsaicin This will force the body to spend more adrenaline accelerate the fat burning process.

4 tips and tricks to get slim body

Maybe you wonder, not too slim body is set right when the food goes into the mouth. Really?

What about the drinks that go into your stomach? Soda, syrup, or sweet tea contain sugar that can make you fat, you know. Healthy beverage is actually a secret weapon for the success of your diet.

1. Water before eating
In some studies, Barbara Rolls, Ph.D., from Pennsylvania State University and author of The Volumetrics Weight Control Plan reveals, drink a glass of water 15 to 20 minutes before a meal can reduce the number of calories that we will asup. The reason is still unknown, but the Rolls said that the thickness of drinks and beverages calorie density also serves to reduce your calorie intake.

2. Green tea
A study published in the Journal of the American Physiological Society found that green tea extract to improve the endurance of up to 24 percent in addition to increasing fat burning. Researchers from Japan to monitor the time it takes rats to swim till exhaustion.

Mice that were given green tea extract swim tirelessly for more than 10 weeks and have a higher fat oxidation. Takatoshi Murasi, one of the researchers believe that drinking a glass of green tea before exercise also had the same effect in humans.

3. Fat-free chocolate milk
This is the perfect drink after a workout kickboxing or yoga. "If you do not have allergies, milk is the perfect recovery drink after exercise because it has carbs and protein needed by the body," said Roberta Anding, hospitals, sports nutritionist from Rice University and a team of nutrition for the NFL's Houston Texas.

4. Ice water
A German study found that drinking ice water burn calories instead. Two glasses of ice water to no more than 20 degrees Celsius can burn approximately 24 calories. Approximately 40 percent of the combustion is used to treat drinking water temperature equivalent to body temperature.