dental health smoking mouth

Smoking is already a common thing that we find everywhere in the world. This custom is so widely performed in both environments are highly educated and less educated. Smoking has become a complex problem involving psychological and social phenomena.

Much of the research done and even disturbing to realize that smoking is a healthy body. But to stop this activity very difficult.

Especially smoking may lead to cardiovascular disease and cancer, both cancerous lung, esophagus, laryng and oral cavity.
Cancer in the oral cavity usually begins with an irritation of the products are burned and smoked cigarettes. This irritation causes white lesions that are not sick.
Also smoking can also cause abnormalities in the oral cavity such as tongue, gums, oral mucosa, teeth and palate in the form of stomatitis nikotina and fungal infections.

Cigarette smoke components and substances that are harmful to the body. Number of components depending on the type of tobacco, combustion temperature, the length of the cigarette, the porosity of paper wrappers, spices, and whether there is a filter cigarette. Whereas dangerous substances such as gases and particles. We suck on the cigarette smoke contains 90% of various gases such as N2, O2, CO2, 10%, the rest contain certain particles such as tar, nicotine and others. Particles in cigarette smoke can cause cancer (carcinogenic) is the tar.


In heavy smokers, smoking causes stimulation to the papilafiliformis (bulge / hanging on the tongue at the top) so that becomes longer (hypertrophy). Here the result of burning cigarettes easily deposited brownish black, so the smoker is difficult to feel a sense of bitter, salty, and sweet, because damage to the tip of the tentacle sensory (tastebuds).


Number of tartar in smokers are more prone than non-smokers. Tartar are not cleaned can cause a variety of complaints such as gingivitis or bleeding gums. Besides, from burning cigarettes may cause circulation of blood circulation to the gums so easy to contract the disease.

Mucosal thickening AKOBAT SMOKING

Smoking is a risk factor for leukoplakia is a white patches or plaques on oral mucosa that can not be deleted. This can be found at the age of 30-70 years the majority of sufferers are smokers, especially men. According to a study of all cases of leukoplakia Silverman 95% were smokers.

Constant irritation from tobacco combustion products cause thickening of the oral mucosal tissue. Before clinical symptoms appear, irritation from tobacco smoke was attacked mucosal epithelial cells, thus increasing its activity. These symptoms only visible when cellular activity increases and becomes a thick epithelium, especially looking at the buccal mucosa (mucosa facing the cheek) and on the floor of the mouth. Oral mucosal changes seen as white patches. White spots are probably caused by a thick epithelium saturated with saliva (spit). Experts said that leukoplakia is a pre-malignant lesions in the mouth. Leukoplakia becomes malignant changes 3-6%.


Teeth can be discolored by tobacco. At first it stains caused by nicotine is considered, but in fact is the result of burning tobacco in the form of tar. Nicotine itself is colorless and soluble. Shafer and his colleagues say that the brown color occurs in regular smokers, while the black color occurs in smokers who use the pipe. The stains are easy to clean because there is only on the plains outside the tooth. But in people who smoked during their lives, these stains can be entered into the superficial layer of tooth enamel and difficult to remove.

Smoking habits affect oral health, especially changes in the mucosa (mucous membranes). Most, cancers of the mouth begins with mucosal changes. These changes do not cause pain (pre-malignant lesions), so no attention until the situation becomes advanced. Therefore, if there are white patches, as early as possible to come to the dentist.

Make a habit of checking your teeth once every six months, although no respiratory symptoms. And most important is a strong will to eliminate smoking habits, if necessary in consultation with your doctor

dental health caries diet

Caries is one of the teeth and mouth disease caused by several factors, I think I've perbah dipostingan previously discussed and you will be more clearly related to caries:). Diet one of the current trend of young people, especially for young women who wanted to appear more PD and the slenderness of her body guard. But what is the relationship between caries and diet huh? Here I will try to explain a bit.

Basically the relationship between caries and diet is very simple and easy to understand, some people healthy diet and healthy living berprila will decrease dental problems. why this is so, this is due to reduced consumption of sugar in the body and consume more food ingredients or with natural sweeteners such as fruits that are very good for the body as well as for dental and oral health. When we consume fruits like apples, apple will indirectly help to clean teeth naturally we are like brushing my teeth, well it is advisable to use the apple menu cover or replace your snack with fruit - fruit. In addition to our teeth and mouth healthy so our bodies stay slim:).

Relations between diet and caries intimately related to the amount of sweetener or sugar consumption is consumed by our bodies, in fact God has created us as an oral warning gate and extraordinary. as where not, if the food we eat is not good for the body or against the gelaja that look will be seen in the area surrounding the oral cavity, such as tonsils, mouth ulcer, a split lip - breaks, caries, sore throat and the other - the other. then identify the foods that you consume. Highly recommended to return to the simple lifestyle and return to nature. My advice from now on leave food with chemicals and get back to Nature.

Just added:
Remember that cooking with MSG indicate processing food makers ill-equipped to process materials with a blend of culinary herbs - herbs that are available. When a chef or cook could be processed foodstuffs and ingredients do not need added flavoring ingredients.

green tea anti cancer

THERE ARE many kinds of tea that is currently circulating in the market. But in general, based on its processing, there are three types of tea. First, black tea is produced through a fermentation process. Second, green tea is a completely free process of fermentation. Third, oolong tea are made by semi-fermentation process

Based on the results of Tea and Quinine Research Center, at every 100 grams of black tea contained 19.4 grams of protein, 10.9 grams of fiber, 2.5 grams of fat, and 32.1 grams of sugar. So without any added sugar, black tea contains enough sugar.

The content of different green tea again. In every 100 grams there are 24 grams protein, 10.6 grams fiber, 4.6 grams of fat and sugar content of 35.2 grams. Although the fat content is higher than black tea, do not be afraid to consume them. You see, there are substances in green tea penetralisirnya namely, vitamin C. For every 100 grams of green tea, contained 250 mg of vitamin C. In fact, in 100 grams of green tea Sencha 700 grams comparable with mandarin oranges.

United States National Cancer Institute concluded that even well, green tea has powerful anti-cancer properties.

tea and fat

RITUAL sip tea has been known since 3000 years BC in China, namely when the government ruling emperor Shen Nung. This ritual is then developed in Japan since 1192. As a result, do not be surprised if people in two countries, it makes the tea as a ritual

Originally, this ritual as it is running. Residents in China do not know exactly which properties of real tea. They simply believe that tea can neutralize fat content in blood, urine launched, and inhibit diarrhea.

The Japanese people believe, the tea can be refreshing the body was missing while doing meditation for hours and hours.

Along with the development of food science, some countries also consume tea. No wonder tea consumption continues to increase.

Eg British Society of tea consumed 2.5 kg per capita annually. Irish citizens consumption even higher, which reaches 3.5 kg per capita. Pakistani and Indian tea each year to spend as much as 1 kg per capita and 0.6 kg per capita. As in Indonesia, a new tea consumption level per capita of just 0.2 kg.

tea and ati stress

I think we really can not avoid stress. But, so that stress does not accumulate and interfere with health, many ways to reduce them. Want a cheap way? Simply drink a cup of tea.

Tea is the most popular beverage in the world, other than plain water. A recent study in England revealed that men who drank black tea four times a day for six weeks, kortisolnya hormone levels or stress hormones decrease. The men also reported feeling more relaxed after a stressful task, for example, suddenly asked to make presentations.

The results of this study clearly encouraging, much less can we know that stress is the main enemy of health. Stress that is not managed properly can damage the body's immune system so that we are susceptible to disease.

In addition to reducing stress hormones, tea is also known to have high levels of antioxidants. This nutritious drink is also virtually calorie free (only 2 calories per cups), and of course tea is cheap.

rosella tes hibiscus sabdariffa linn

Rosella (Hibiscus sabdariffa Linn.) Is a plant of the hibiscus family type. Plant this shrub can reach 3-5 feet high. If you've grown up, this plant will mengelurakan red flowers. Flower parts and seeds is beneficial for health.

Take 5-7 dried calyx of roselle leaf, brewed with hot water 1 cup (250 cc), add sugar if it was too sour. Usefulness of Rosella interest including the following:

* Contains multivitamins, including vit.C and Beta carotene.
* Neutralize toxins in the blood.
* Lowers blood pressure.
* Lowers blood sugar levels for diabetics.
* Inhibits the growth of cancer cells.
* Increase stamina and endurance.
* Lowers cholesterol in the blood.
* Reduce heat and difficulty in bowel movements.
* Reducing the clumping of fat in the liver.
* Reduces headaches / migraine.
* Can help recover from drug addiction.

This plant can grow anywhere, including in the yard of the house. Happy planting!

easy and healthy slim

Often we hear someone eat a little, but her weight kept going up. While there are people who eat a lot, but weight is always controlled. That's because the basal metabolic rate (BMR) is low so the body burns calories by slow and easy to store fat.
Want to increase the BMR? Try this way:

1. Eat early
Remember, always breakfast to supply energy needs. Focus on the food menu is low fat, high fiber, protein, and complex carbohydrates. A diet like this will not quickly make the hungry. In contrast, fatty food is not enough to satisfy the tongue and stomach because the body look fat as an energy source that is used only during an emergency.

2. Do not make yourself hungry
Do not just cut calories needs. Because, the body will think it was too drastic reduction in calories as a harbinger of the coming of the famine. BMR was decreased. As a result, despite eating less, weight never dropped.

3. Add protein
The amount of energy to digest protein produced higher compared with the energy to digest carbohydrates. Still eat carbs, but try adding meat, tofu, and soybeans to burn ekstraenergi.

4. Select sport aerobic
Aerobic exercise can include exercise, walking, bicycling, or swimming. The benefit is to increase the BMR can be felt immediately. Weight training also has a calorie burning effect that could be felt several hours after exercise.

5th. Do not forget weight training
Train the muscle with weight training two to three times a week. Half a kilogram of muscle burns nine times more calories than a pound of fat. Regular weight training in a cool spot to raise the body temperature can also raise your metabolic rate at rest up to 9 percent. Not bad, right? You just sit back while burning calories.

6. Sports prior to menstruation
Create the women, regular exercise two weeks before menstruation can burn about 30 percent fat. Why? Sports tend to be better performance at the final menstrual period, when ovarian hormone secreted high.

7. Many drinking
Dehydration causes the body's metabolism is inefficient. Lack of water causes the body temperature down so that your metabolism down and your body will store fat to increase the temperature.

8. Vitamin B Supplements
Vitamin B helps the body use energy, supports the adrenal and thyroid systems, and to encourage energy production inside and outside the cell. Maybe you need to supplement vitamin B if MRL too low.

9. Nutrition for thyroid
Important for the metabolism of the thyroid. Do not forget mengasup iodine-rich foods, such as salmon, tuna and seaweed. Also, vitamin B, C, E, niacin, and zinc contained in brown rice, avocado, and orange.

10. Spicy food
The content of capsaicin in chili peppers can temporarily increase your metabolism. Capsaicin This will force the body to spend more adrenaline accelerate the fat burning process.