tea and fat

RITUAL sip tea has been known since 3000 years BC in China, namely when the government ruling emperor Shen Nung. This ritual is then developed in Japan since 1192. As a result, do not be surprised if people in two countries, it makes the tea as a ritual

Originally, this ritual as it is running. Residents in China do not know exactly which properties of real tea. They simply believe that tea can neutralize fat content in blood, urine launched, and inhibit diarrhea.

The Japanese people believe, the tea can be refreshing the body was missing while doing meditation for hours and hours.

Along with the development of food science, some countries also consume tea. No wonder tea consumption continues to increase.

Eg British Society of tea consumed 2.5 kg per capita annually. Irish citizens consumption even higher, which reaches 3.5 kg per capita. Pakistani and Indian tea each year to spend as much as 1 kg per capita and 0.6 kg per capita. As in Indonesia, a new tea consumption level per capita of just 0.2 kg.