rosella tes hibiscus sabdariffa linn

Rosella (Hibiscus sabdariffa Linn.) Is a plant of the hibiscus family type. Plant this shrub can reach 3-5 feet high. If you've grown up, this plant will mengelurakan red flowers. Flower parts and seeds is beneficial for health.

Take 5-7 dried calyx of roselle leaf, brewed with hot water 1 cup (250 cc), add sugar if it was too sour. Usefulness of Rosella interest including the following:

* Contains multivitamins, including vit.C and Beta carotene.
* Neutralize toxins in the blood.
* Lowers blood pressure.
* Lowers blood sugar levels for diabetics.
* Inhibits the growth of cancer cells.
* Increase stamina and endurance.
* Lowers cholesterol in the blood.
* Reduce heat and difficulty in bowel movements.
* Reducing the clumping of fat in the liver.
* Reduces headaches / migraine.
* Can help recover from drug addiction.

This plant can grow anywhere, including in the yard of the house. Happy planting!