easy and healthy slim

Often we hear someone eat a little, but her weight kept going up. While there are people who eat a lot, but weight is always controlled. That's because the basal metabolic rate (BMR) is low so the body burns calories by slow and easy to store fat.
Want to increase the BMR? Try this way:

1. Eat early
Remember, always breakfast to supply energy needs. Focus on the food menu is low fat, high fiber, protein, and complex carbohydrates. A diet like this will not quickly make the hungry. In contrast, fatty food is not enough to satisfy the tongue and stomach because the body look fat as an energy source that is used only during an emergency.

2. Do not make yourself hungry
Do not just cut calories needs. Because, the body will think it was too drastic reduction in calories as a harbinger of the coming of the famine. BMR was decreased. As a result, despite eating less, weight never dropped.

3. Add protein
The amount of energy to digest protein produced higher compared with the energy to digest carbohydrates. Still eat carbs, but try adding meat, tofu, and soybeans to burn ekstraenergi.

4. Select sport aerobic
Aerobic exercise can include exercise, walking, bicycling, or swimming. The benefit is to increase the BMR can be felt immediately. Weight training also has a calorie burning effect that could be felt several hours after exercise.

5th. Do not forget weight training
Train the muscle with weight training two to three times a week. Half a kilogram of muscle burns nine times more calories than a pound of fat. Regular weight training in a cool spot to raise the body temperature can also raise your metabolic rate at rest up to 9 percent. Not bad, right? You just sit back while burning calories.

6. Sports prior to menstruation
Create the women, regular exercise two weeks before menstruation can burn about 30 percent fat. Why? Sports tend to be better performance at the final menstrual period, when ovarian hormone secreted high.

7. Many drinking
Dehydration causes the body's metabolism is inefficient. Lack of water causes the body temperature down so that your metabolism down and your body will store fat to increase the temperature.

8. Vitamin B Supplements
Vitamin B helps the body use energy, supports the adrenal and thyroid systems, and to encourage energy production inside and outside the cell. Maybe you need to supplement vitamin B if MRL too low.

9. Nutrition for thyroid
Important for the metabolism of the thyroid. Do not forget mengasup iodine-rich foods, such as salmon, tuna and seaweed. Also, vitamin B, C, E, niacin, and zinc contained in brown rice, avocado, and orange.

10. Spicy food
The content of capsaicin in chili peppers can temporarily increase your metabolism. Capsaicin This will force the body to spend more adrenaline accelerate the fat burning process.