Showing posts with label eye health. Show all posts
Showing posts with label eye health. Show all posts

obesity vs vegetable and your body (2)

Gado-gado or salad
You can put whatever vegetables you like into the salad, like lettuce, tomatoes, corn, peppers, carrots, onions and others. Besides vegetables,

Why is it necessary to eat vegetables?
There are three processes that occur in the body, namely combustion (power), construction (growth) and settings. To get the energy, the body requires carbohydrate, fat and protein. Meanwhile, to grow and develop necessary protein and water. And to arrange for all these processes occur must have vitamins and minerals derived from vegetables and fruits. "That is why the vegetables are very important for the body, because there are certain substances that can only be obtained through the vegetables. The meat also contained vitamins and minerals, but the number was only a little," says Leane.

Eat plenty of vegetables and fruits is also an ideal way to lose weight naturally. Besides low calories and low in fat, fiber in vegetables can satiate the stomach. Vegetables also make work a better intestinal peristalsis, thereby facilitating defecation.

Serve with a draw
How interesting presentation and processing can help you get rid of a sense of reluctance to eat vegetables. No need to consume a raw vegetable or put a whole pile of vegetables in your dinner plate. Try to make it more delicious cooked into soups, pizza, pie or lasagna. With cut into smaller sizes or mixed with other foodstuffs, vegetables will be more nice views. Moreover, when eating soup, you will not feel the flavor and aroma of each vegetable. Or as in pastel or lasagna, you do not have to look straight vegetable because the dough is wrapped closed.

Allow plus fruit
A lot of nutrition in the vegetables was also found in fruit. So you could replace the nutritional deficiencies of these vegetables with fruits. But that does not mean avoiding vegetables altogether. There are nutrients and compounds in vegetables that can not be easily obtained elsewhere. "The fruit contains more vitamins, but less fiber and minerals," says Leane. But you could combine fruits with vegetables. Drink a glass of juice in the morning and another one in the afternoon or evening can be a sizable business. But because the number of fibers lost in the processing of juice, so not a good idea if only rely on juice alone. And do not forget, pay attention to the variations in type and color of the fruit that you eat. Each type and color has its own advantages.

obesity vs vegetable and your body (1)

If you include people who are not anti-vegetable, be grateful! Various studies prove that vegetables contain potent compounds that can increase endurance tubu, protecting you from disease and 'fight' obesity. Furthermore, phytochemicals, substances found only in vegetables and fruits, potent menurunkankan risk of chronic diseases and cancer.

Habits of eating vegetables does not come naturally to everyone. Moreover, as revealed by dr. Leane Manurung, MSc, nutritionist doctor, the original flavor of vegetables is not as good as meat, "If not cooked with spices or sauce are delicious, the taste of vegetables is less lucrative," he said. In addition, many people who do not like to eat vegetables because it is not accustomed to childhood. "Most children who do not like to eat vegetables is the mother worked or not painstaking 'serve' his son," says Leane. Researchers from the National Cancer Institute, U.S., and even found that only 20% of children who ate fruits and vegetables in sufficient portion of each day. And 25% of the kind of vegetables are eaten by them are french fries If you include people who are lazy or even less likely to eat vegetables, maybe a little trick can help you to meet the needs of the intake of vegetables each day. Nothing wrong, right, try!

Find what you like
Luckily we live in a tropical country that is rich in various plants. Yes, you can easily find the type of vegetables are preferred. To get it you need to arouse curiosity and your adventurous spirit. And most important is the willingness to experiment. Included will experiment processing methods. Because vegetables are processed by boiling, pan-fried, cooked in a microwave or eaten raw will give a different taste and texture. How to cultivate the right equipment must be considered. For example, the vegetables should be cooked in quick time, as you often see in Chinese food restaurants. "If cooked quickly, the color will remain green vegetables. Moreover, if too long, contain vitamins and minerals will be reduced," said Leane.

healthy eyes tips

ALL people would want to have an healthy eyes and functioning optimally. So, once the eye got some problems, will interfere with your activities. Many things you can do to get an healthy eye:

eyes health

Eyes are one of the senses of the human body is very complex, function for vision. Although its function for human life is very important, but often less blatant,

8 things to care your eyes

Do your eyes feel tired and sore after working all day? Modern lifestyle causes stress on the body and our eyes among the most miserable.
When watching a television show, Star Dhia Adiyyusalam (5.5 years) always ran to the television screen.

"If it was pulled back, he'll be back closer to the television," said Gusti Ayu Sara (32 years) about the beginnings of children's shoes.

11 Tips Maintaining Eye Health when working with computer

At the present, almost all levels of society, knows what the computer is, even though the children. They have since been introduced to the computer early. Without realizing it hazard, working with computers had an impact of less healthful for the health of our eyes. Signs of radiation effects are : the eyes are often a blur, our eyes get dazed, our head get little dizzy, and even the most pathetic is the presence of nausea for beginners who use

Below are 11 Tips Maintaining your Eyes Health

1. Try to install filters on your computer monitors. The filter serves to restrain the radiation.

2. Use LCD monitor / trusted plasma.

3. Keep your eyes distance with the monitor. The ideal eye distance is 30 cm.

4. Put your monitor parallel with your eyes. Do not be too low or too high. Try as you see it, you feel convenient with it.

5. Set the color of your monitor screen as nice as possible. Not too bright as it can cause your eyes to dazzled. And not too dark, because it will cause your eyes are working too hard so that makes your eyes become dry.

6. Set the screen refresh rate to 75 Hz.

7. Blink as often as possible. Because it will stimulate the glands tears to shed tears that serves the eyes to become wet.

8. You can buy the special glasses to protect you when using a computer.

9. Notice the light around, use an adequate light.

10. After you use computers in a long time, rest your eyes, at least 15 minutes.

11. Expand the consumption of foods such as vitamin A.

Diabetes and eyes health

eye diseases, Dr. Wal-densius Girsang, SPM. Who also was a speaker, mentions that diabetes can be a risk factor for at least three disease of the eye.

First, the occurrence of disturbances in the retina or diabetic retinal. "It could blocks blood vessels because of diabetes, and it should soon be overcome by con-ser," said the expert's retina.

Then, a second disturbance of the risk factors for diabetes is cataracts. Because, diabetes accelerate the process that eventually crystallize people lenses faster cataract diagnosed before age should be. The disease arises due to disruption of cell metabolism in the lens, so the lens becomes cloudy and vision becomes disrupted because light can not enter into the eye. Actions to be undertaken to overcome the cataract is by surgery, "said Dr. Waldensius Girsang.

"Then the last is a condition in which the disease glaucoma eyeball pressure on high. Indeed, all the diseases caused by diabetes on the eyes leading to blindness if not treated properly," said Dr. A.M Ginting. Glaukomajuga should be done with surgery. Glaucoma is the second leading cause of blindness in the world and in Indonesia after the cataract. In Indonesia, the disease affects about 500,000 people own.

But Glaucoma is the final stage of diabetic eye disease. Diabetics who came to the JEC will be checked whether there was interference on the retina, last checked whether there is glaucoma. Handling can only be done but can not return to normal, "katanya.Dalam next scsi, JEC also presented Dr Djoko Maryono Sp.PD, Sp. PJ, PHASE as Expert Internist Jakarta Eye Center (JEC). He explained that so many people with diabetes who experience vision problems, then the JEC also opened his own Internist services so that patients can be inspected by the integrative. "Most people with diabetes to know that he was suffering from the disease after experiencing vision problems, heart, kidneys, as well as erectile dysfunction," said Dr. Djoko Maryono.

"Approximately 60 percent of people know if he has diabetes after checking his eyes. And the other 30 percent because of erectile dysfunction," said Dr. Djoko Maryono, adding that this happens because the nervous eyes and genitals had a blockage caused by sugar and fat content that is not burned earlier.

Meanwhile, according Girsang, those who have sensed a disturbance in the eye should immediately went to the doctor's eyes. Because if it was examined and it is known that the retina is disrupted, it can be done immediately suctioning action through the blockage in the retina. Fear, if the longer tolerated, blood vessels are clogged blood pcmbuluh in the retina would crack and eventually patients lose pcnglihatannya. In addition, acute diabetes is also very risky to the crystallization process of lens that is faster than people in general, so that over time a cataract, which, if the crust will be operating, "he said, describing.

Those who are at risk for diabetes are age forty years and over, heredity, obesity is characterized by a waist circumference of more than 90 cm for men and 70 cm for women. And the mother who gave birth to a child with a weight of more than four kilogram.Yuni Hartadi, gymnastics instructor who is also treasurer Persadia Pelni Petamburan Hospital confirmed that the sufferer of Diabetes in turns out to be disciplined. lani life. "Most deaths occur due to kidney failure or wound sepsis. The wound did not heal, while it had spread germs everywhere," he said.

Therefore, according to Taio, bersadia gymnastics events held regularly every Saturday so that patients can maintain good health. But in reality there are still many patients who are reluctant to exercise. More than 200 members Persadia Pelni Hospital, but is active only about 75 people saja.Sementara, one of the participants of the mass gymnastic activities and talk shows that look enthusiastically followed the series of events is Tadjo Noor-Eddin. Men who still looks sturdy and fit diusianya who stepped 75-year positive rate JEC activities undertaken with Tempo magazine.

"If events such as gymnastics is performed on a regular basis, the impact will be good for diabetics. Due gymnastics and other sports, if done regularly can destroy the fat and reduce the risk of diabetes. Meanwhile, by being given the opportunity to ask the doctor, patients can learn to do special handling of Diabetes and eye disease, "he said, explaining.

Jakarta Eye Center

Jakarta Eye Center (JEC) relentless socializing to the public the importance of eye health.

Located at the Citywalk shopping center, Saturday (5 / 12), the Jakarta Eye Center (JEC) held a talk show and a mass gymnastics under the theme "Diabetes Related to Eye Health." The event begins with the activity of blood sugar checks free of charge, then gymnastics and was followed by a talk show with a few speakers who casually is the eye health expert.

The event was attended by approximately 150 participants, where some of it. Major participants from the Diabetes Association of Indonesia (Persadia) with ages ranging from 30 to 70 SPM tahun.Dr AM Ginting, one speaker from the Jakarta Eye Center (JEC), who is also Chairman of the Eye Bank DKI Jakarta said, the event was held in order to socialize with diabetes related diseases derivatives. One of them, eye disease. "Diabetes can be a ticking time bomb of blindness in humans.

Through this event, we will discuss about anticipation can be done to prevent blindness and can stay alive with diabetes delicious, "said the doctor who was almost 40 years of practicing it. He added, of which diabetes occurs because of changes in blood sugar levels .

"Eyes center" typically refers to an eye care center or clinic that specializes in the diagnosis, treatment, and management of eye-related conditions and vision problems. These centers are staffed by ophthalmologists, optometrists, and other healthcare professionals trained to address a wide range of eye health issues. Here are some common services and functions provided by eyes centers: 
 1. **Comprehensive Eye Examinations:** Eyes centers offer routine eye exams to assess vision and screen for eye conditions such as glaucoma, cataracts, and macular degeneration.
 2. **Prescription Eyeglasses and Contact Lenses:** Optometrists at eyes centers can provide prescriptions for eyeglasses and contact lenses and assist with fittings and adjustments. 
 3. **Treatment of Eye Conditions:** Ophthalmologists at eyes centers diagnose and treat various eye conditions and diseases, including but not limited to: - Glaucoma - Cataracts - Retinal disorders - Corneal conditions - Eye infections - Strabismus (eye misalignment) - Amblyopia (lazy eye) 
 4. **Surgery:** Some eyes centers have surgical facilities where ophthalmologists perform eye surgeries, such as cataract surgery, LASIK (laser-assisted in-situ keratomileusis), and retinal surgery. 
 5. **Pediatric Eye Care:** Specialized pediatric ophthalmologists provide eye care for children, including the diagnosis and management of pediatric eye conditions and vision problems.
 6. **Emergency Eye Care:** Eyes centers may offer emergency services for eye injuries, sudden vision changes, or eye-related emergencies.
 7. **Low Vision Rehabilitation:** For individuals with severe vision impairment, low vision rehabilitation services help maximize remaining vision and improve daily functioning. 
 8. **Medical Imaging:** Many eyes centers have diagnostic imaging equipment like optical coherence tomography (OCT) and fundus photography to assess the health of the retina and other eye structures. 
 9. **Management of Chronic Eye Conditions:** Patients with chronic eye conditions like diabetic retinopathy or age-related macular degeneration can receive ongoing care and monitoring at eyes centers. 
 10. **Educational Services:** Some eyes centers provide educational resources and eye health information to patients and the community to promote eye health and awareness. Eyes centers play a crucial role in maintaining and improving eye health, preventing vision loss, and addressing a wide range of eye-related concerns.

 Regular eye exams are recommended for individuals of all ages to detect and address eye conditions early, which can lead to more effective treatment and better outcomes. If you are looking for an eyes center in your area or have specific questions about eye care, I recommend contacting a local eye care provider or using online directories to find a reputable center near you.

8 eight critical steps to ensure better protection for your eyes

Eyes need protection from adverse effects from the environment. Therefore we need to maintain eye health. Effects of damage occurs when too often exposed to sunlight, wind, dust, and other factors. In maintaining eye health are eight critical steps to ensure better protection for your eyes.
Eyes need protection from adverse effects from the environment. Therefore we need to maintain eye health. Effects of damage occurs when too often exposed to sunlight, wind, dust, and other factors. In maintaining eye health are eight critical steps to ensure better protection for your eyes.

Among other tips for maintaining healthy eyes are as follows:

1. Always perikasa your eyes regularly. This is great for preventing and treating eye problems that already exist. If you use a contact lens be sure to really clean.
2. Eat a balanced diet of fruits and vegetables fresh. Eat a diet rich in nutrients vitamins A, E and C. Eat lots of beta carotene-rich carrots, and fish, including a high omega 3. Try a cup of broccoli because it's also good for the eyes.
3. Caring for your health and immune system. Avoid too much smoking and drinking excess alcohol as this can make your eyes look tired. Smoking has adverse effects on blood circulation around the eye area. If you have diabetes, regular check-ups because if neglected it can affect the eye. Try to also keep blood pressure and cholesterol at normal levels.
4. Protect eyes with sunglasses or at least 95% protection from UV. Choosing the type of sunglasses with a good frame to ensure full protection. Wearing a hat, a hat and using an umbrella for shade so that more eyes and protected from heat. Use goggles when in heavy exercise and when working with tools and heavy machinery.
5. Be sure to always have clean hands before touching your eyes. Infections of the eye can be started with unclean hands. Also, try to avoid too much eye rubbing. Use a clean handkerchief and cotton to clean the eye.
6. Remember when reading should have good lighting. In watching TV, using an anti-glare screen. Doing the same thing when using the computer. In using the computer may include a screen protector. Take a moment to relax from the view of the computer.
7. Perform simple eye exercises like blinking eyes to relieve stress. Blinking helps lubricate the eye. Try to close your eyes for about five minutes to relax and reduce eye strain. Have the time to rest the eyes as much as possible will be very good. See something very good for the eyes green.
8. After the break was enough, wash eyes with cold water to reduce eye strain. Use eye drops if needed but must be in accordance with the instructions dokter.Yang most important thing to remember is that your eyes deserve special attention so that you can really see and appreciate everything life has to offer. Hopefully these tips helpful to maintain eye health.

Tips to Keep Eye Health When Watching Television

Tips to Keep Eye Health When Watching Television

Actually, watching television is a thing that is safe for the eyes, because it stretches in the eyes when watching television is not too excessive than reading. With that in mind the following, your eyes safe while viewing a television:

1. Adequate lighting, not too big and too low. Lighting that is too strong to reduce the contrast on the screen and obscure the view. Should not place a light source that can lead to reflections on the television. We recommend that you print color television around neutral.
2. Better lighting in the living room television is not completely dark. Resulted in total dark room contrast of the television becomes excessive and disturbing the comfort of the eye. Not adjust the color in the room with television, but television which adjusts the condition of the room.
3. Note the distance watching. At least the distance between the eyes and is five times the diameter of the television screen. At that distance, the image can be seen clearly and do not disturb the eye. If you often watch at close range, you should immediately conduct eye health examination. Nearsightedness (myopia) often occurs in children who watch television in close proximity.
4. Make sure the television has been regulated well. Television's position should be parallel with your eyes so that when the watch does not have to look up or bend over.
5. If required memekai glasses, use sunglasses while watching television.

your eyes health is your life

The eye is the human senses are very important / essential. Can be imagined if we had eye damage or blindness, we can not enjoy and feel how beautiful this universe.

In fact we often forget to make eye care, but like other parts of the body, the eyes may be affected by disorders or health problems. Disorder-disorder can be caused by air is not clean or polluted, radiation, sunlight, radiation from too long in front of computers, and other disturbances.

Studies conducted by the Eye Disease prevalence Research Group (2004) estimates that in 2020 the number of patients with eye disease and blindness in the world will reach 55 million inhabitants. This study also mentions that the eye disease and blindness will increase, especially for those that have been aged over 65 years. A person aged 80 years and over who represents 8% of the total population, suffered blindness as much as 69%.

Impaired general health of the eye that occurs is the reduction of visual function, red-eye symptoms without any decrease in vision function, and a red eye with decreased visual function. Until now, eye disease that is suffered is cataract, glaucoma, and infection.

Along with increased attention and knowledge of the effect of nutrition on health, especially the health of the eye causing rapid market growth of health products, food drug, health food, medical drugs, food supplements, health supplements, herbal medicine, natural medicine eye. Most of these products to health-shaped eyes that are now marketed supplements, medicinal foods, health foods, medical drugs, food supplements, health supplements, herbal medicine, natural medicine. In addition to antioxidant compounds (vitamins A, C, and E) which had previously been known to improve eye health, other compounds such as lutein, zeaxanthin, and astaxanthin, recently known as a compound that can improve eye health.

Lutein, a yellow carotenoid family of compounds found in many green vegetables. Lutein in the macula and are believed to protect the eyes from oxidative damage by ultraviolet radiation (UV).

Macula was in the middle of the retina and directly adjacent to the lens of the eye. Macula is a small area containing millions of cells that help produce sharp eyesight to read or see objects clearly.

Other carotenoid compounds present in the macula is is zeaxanthin, which are known to provide benefits for eye health.

Research conducted by Chitchumroonchokchai and colleagues in 2004 from Ohio State University, indicated that lutein and zeaxanthin may protect the human lens cells from exposure to UV light, which is a major cause of cataract disease. In addition, they compared the antioxidant activity of lutein and zeaxanthin as vitamin E. The results showed that lutein and zeaxanthin showed 10 times higher activity compared with vitamin E in protecting cells from damage caused by the lens to ultraviolet light.

In the same year was also carried out a study by Neuringer and colleagues, shows the ability of lutein and zeaxanthin in eye health. While testing in animals, sponsored by DSM Nutritional Products of Switzerland, showed that the supplementation or the addition of lutein and zeaxanthin increase the activity of antioxidants in the blood.

Another group of carotenoid compounds which appeared to have the ability to protect the macula from UV exposure is astaxanthin. Guerin et al. (2003) mentions that the ability of antioxidant compounds and anti-inflammatory effects of astaxanthin can provide eye protection from UV rays.

Until now, the antioxidant activity of the compounds lutein, zeaxanthin, and astaxanthin provide answers to the mechanism of the increase in eye health. Free radicals from UV light or air pollution, into the eye resulted in oxidation of susceptible molecules in the lens of the eye.

care your eyes

Parents are always told to eat the carrots to a healthy eye, there is also a carrot to eat a lot every day in order to avoid a negative. Some believe that eating or drinking carrot juice can normalize minus eye. Is it true that all belief? Then how do we maintain eye health? The following simple tips.

Overall eye function was as senses of sight that receive light stimuli on the retina, through optic nerve fibers, delivers stimulation to the center of vision in the brain for interpretation.

It's no secret indeed of vitamin A is an important factor for the state of our eyes. As our parents always encouraged to consume a lot of carrots which is famous for its vitamin A content. Because vitamin A deficiency can cause a range of eye disorders, one night blindness. "Vitamin A provides energy and ensure better cell regeneration," explains dr. Ria Sylvia Sp.M, ophthalmologist from the Eye Hospital eHealth Team Undaan moment met on the sidelines of preoccupations.

However, dr. Ria - friendly greetings dr. Ria Sylivia - explain that vitamin A is not the answer for patients with nearsightedness (minus) or farsighted (plus) to be cured, like a lot of myths that are spread in the community. Vitamin A deficiency causes abnormalities are also not being able to see it, ie, nearsightedness and farsightedness. 'Once there was never a big event that many people experience nearsightedness because less consumption of vitamin A, and then after they consume foods containing vitamin A in their eyes gradually recover,' said the doctor was a graduate of the University of Airlangga. "Therefore stigmanya, if the vision began to clear, then direct people identical to the carrot," he added with a smile.

For farsightedness abnormality or any distance, the eye due to anatomical abnormalities, or genetic. He then explained that the current games for the kids in circulation is a game that has many small details that demand more eye accommodation, such as for example a computer that has a lot of detail paper, white board markers sometimes have made too thin.

Airlangga University School of Medicine alumnus is continued that if the distinguished children's games that the majority of ancient wooden outdoor and have a size too big so not requiring excessive eye accommodation. Because if excessive eye accommodation, rapid muscle fatigue and eventually complained dizziness.

He is appealing, especially for parents who have children still of school age children, to be more aware and alert to the unusual habits of children. As an example:

1. Watching TV too close
2. The position of the child when she saw, first of all look up and then tilt the head too much to the left or right, or too looked down and also look up
3. Declining achievement

It is possible that some traits are the traits of your child's eyes is not normal, the doctor was called home to parents to check their children's eye conditions to the eye doctor. "When children do not complain about things too can be compared to adults, so parents should be more aware," said dr. Ria.

While the function of the eye itself down by itself at the age of 40 years and over due process of degeneration. "So in fact you use glasses only if the activities require us to see the detail, the goggles need, just adjusted to the circumstances," said this mother of three children. He cited that the elderly have generally now devouring the newspaper every morning and demanding more accommodation so that the eyes require glasses to help see more clearly.

When asked how to maintain eye health, he then explained that the eyes are healthy physically healthy is not necessarily a function. "People's eyes were minus physically fine, but its function is less," he explained. So if to keep the eyes healthy physically, then:

1. Keep your eye hygiene, such as for example cleaning up after the eye that often arise in the morning. This is a dirt eyes the tears dried up.
2. For those of you who use the contact lens, keep it clean to avoid irritation
3. Avoid trauma to the eye, such as for example to avoid places that are too dusty or use eye protection when going somewhere dusty.
4. Keep your nutrition or food intake so as to ensure good cell regeneration.
5. Do not forget to conduct routine screening, for children over six months, while for the old age state of the eyes examined at least one year-two years.

diabetic retinopathy

Diabetic retinopathy is a common eye disease in diabetics. Those who suffer from diabetes are also at high risk for other eye diseases such as glaucoma and cataracts. All of these eye diseases can cause severe vision loss to blindness.

Diabetic retinopathy disease process caused by the changes that occur in blood vessels of the retina, which is a thin membrane is formed by nerve cells that line the rear two thirds eyeball. Nerve cells in the retina receives light and sends signals to the brain about what is seen by the eye.

Diabetic retinopathy consists of two stages, namely:
Nonproliferatif retinopathy. An early stage of this disease process. During diabetes, this condition causes the small blood vessel walls in the eye weakens. Arising from a small bulge on the blood vessels (mikroaneurisma) that can be broken so that the leaking fluid and protein into the retina. Reduced blood flow to the retina causes the formation of patches of the form "cotton woolen" gray or white. Fat deposition in white yellow protein (hard exudates) was also formed on the retina. This change may not affect vision unless fluid and protein from the damaged blood vessels causing swelling in the central retina (macula). This condition is called macular edema, which can aggravate a person of vision centers.
Proliferative retinopathy. Nonproliferatif retinopathy can progress to proliferative retinopathy is more severe stage of diabetic retinopathy disease. The main forms of proliferative retinopathy is the growth (proliferation) of fragile blood vessels on the surface of the retina. These abnormal blood vessels easily rupture, bleeding occurs in the middle of the eyeball so that impede vision. Will also form scar tissue that can pull the retina so that the retina regardless of the place. If untreated, proliferative retinopathy can permanently damage the retina and a portion of another portion of the eye, causing severe vision loss or blindness.
Diabetic Retinopathy usually develops into a number of levels in most patients with type 1 diabetes and some types of diabetes 2. Strict Supervisor of blood sugar levels can prevent the risk of developing severe retinopathy and vision loss. In case of retinopathy, the early detection and appropriate treatment (most often with lasers) can help prevent, obstruct or change the loss of sight.

Those who suffer from diabetes, his eyes should be checked at an eye doctor (oftalmologis) every year, even if they have no complaints even though the eye diseases. Dibetes Association of America suggests checking once a year (starting in three to five years after being diagnosed with diabetes type 1 and soon after being diagnosed with diabetes tipe2) with the following reasons:
Someone who developed diabetic retinopathy unknowingly because the disease does not always cause symptoms until the damage to the retina it worse.
Treatment will be more effective if done before the symptoms and complications developed retinopathy.
With regular eye examination, an eye doctor can find out and cure before continuing signs of retinopathy.
Unfortunately, many diabetics who did not check his eyes once a year to find out whether it has experienced retinopathy (or other eye diseases caused by diabetes). Consequently, they did not know that they have suffered from retinopathy until significant vision loss. Diabetic retinopathy is the leading cause of new blindness in people between the ages of 20 to 74 years. The experts believe many cases of vision loss and blindness may be preventable by taking annual eye examinations in diabetics