Diabetes and eyes health

eye diseases, Dr. Wal-densius Girsang, SPM. Who also was a speaker, mentions that diabetes can be a risk factor for at least three disease of the eye.

First, the occurrence of disturbances in the retina or diabetic retinal. "It could blocks blood vessels because of diabetes, and it should soon be overcome by con-ser," said the expert's retina.

Then, a second disturbance of the risk factors for diabetes is cataracts. Because, diabetes accelerate the process that eventually crystallize people lenses faster cataract diagnosed before age should be. The disease arises due to disruption of cell metabolism in the lens, so the lens becomes cloudy and vision becomes disrupted because light can not enter into the eye. Actions to be undertaken to overcome the cataract is by surgery, "said Dr. Waldensius Girsang.

"Then the last is a condition in which the disease glaucoma eyeball pressure on high. Indeed, all the diseases caused by diabetes on the eyes leading to blindness if not treated properly," said Dr. A.M Ginting. Glaukomajuga should be done with surgery. Glaucoma is the second leading cause of blindness in the world and in Indonesia after the cataract. In Indonesia, the disease affects about 500,000 people own.

But Glaucoma is the final stage of diabetic eye disease. Diabetics who came to the JEC will be checked whether there was interference on the retina, last checked whether there is glaucoma. Handling can only be done but can not return to normal, "katanya.Dalam next scsi, JEC also presented Dr Djoko Maryono Sp.PD, Sp. PJ, PHASE as Expert Internist Jakarta Eye Center (JEC). He explained that so many people with diabetes who experience vision problems, then the JEC also opened his own Internist services so that patients can be inspected by the integrative. "Most people with diabetes to know that he was suffering from the disease after experiencing vision problems, heart, kidneys, as well as erectile dysfunction," said Dr. Djoko Maryono.

"Approximately 60 percent of people know if he has diabetes after checking his eyes. And the other 30 percent because of erectile dysfunction," said Dr. Djoko Maryono, adding that this happens because the nervous eyes and genitals had a blockage caused by sugar and fat content that is not burned earlier.

Meanwhile, according Girsang, those who have sensed a disturbance in the eye should immediately went to the doctor's eyes. Because if it was examined and it is known that the retina is disrupted, it can be done immediately suctioning action through the blockage in the retina. Fear, if the longer tolerated, blood vessels are clogged blood pcmbuluh in the retina would crack and eventually patients lose pcnglihatannya. In addition, acute diabetes is also very risky to the crystallization process of lens that is faster than people in general, so that over time a cataract, which, if the crust will be operating, "he said, describing.

Those who are at risk for diabetes are age forty years and over, heredity, obesity is characterized by a waist circumference of more than 90 cm for men and 70 cm for women. And the mother who gave birth to a child with a weight of more than four kilogram.Yuni Hartadi, gymnastics instructor who is also treasurer Persadia Pelni Petamburan Hospital confirmed that the sufferer of Diabetes in turns out to be disciplined. lani life. "Most deaths occur due to kidney failure or wound sepsis. The wound did not heal, while it had spread germs everywhere," he said.

Therefore, according to Taio, bersadia gymnastics events held regularly every Saturday so that patients can maintain good health. But in reality there are still many patients who are reluctant to exercise. More than 200 members Persadia Pelni Hospital, but is active only about 75 people saja.Sementara, one of the participants of the mass gymnastic activities and talk shows that look enthusiastically followed the series of events is Tadjo Noor-Eddin. Men who still looks sturdy and fit diusianya who stepped 75-year positive rate JEC activities undertaken with Tempo magazine.

"If events such as gymnastics is performed on a regular basis, the impact will be good for diabetics. Due gymnastics and other sports, if done regularly can destroy the fat and reduce the risk of diabetes. Meanwhile, by being given the opportunity to ask the doctor, patients can learn to do special handling of Diabetes and eye disease, "he said, explaining.