Proper Care For Dry Skin

Dry skin is visible besides
Dull, also more prone to risk than the type of skin wrinkles
other. Because it's a good idea to change the way your skin care and
apply the following few telling moments.

1. Avoid products that contain
Try sulfur skin care products and makeup you use is not
containing sulfur. This material may improve the condition of dry skin.

2. Faithful use of moisturizer
We will have activity both outside and indoors, you should wear
moisturizer. Pick a water-based moisturizer (water-based formula), and
contains nutrients for the skin (moisture rich). Before using a moisturizer, you should clean the
face first with warm water.

3. Consumption of eight glasses of water a day
75 percent of our body consists of water and should continue fulfilled. If the body
experiencing shortage of fluids or dehydration, the skin will become dry. Cukupilah body's water needs
to consume at least eight glasses of water daily.

4. Perform special facial skin
For dry skin care steps more leverage, you should routinely perform
special facials for dry skin in the salon. In addition to creating fresh skin
to remove dead skin cells on the face. Do twice a month.

5. Increase your intake of vitamins.
Make sure your diet contains enough vitamins A, D and E. Third
types of vitamins are very useful for
skin. Gynecology and Tretinoin Acid Retinyl Palmiate in vitamin A also
can serve to encourage the process pengelupas dead skin cells, which
make the surface of the skin always looks fresh. Vitamin - vitamin
you can get through the vegetables or fruits