5 Tips of oral and dental care

Tips brief oral and dental health care:
1. Do it the right way, before choose a toothbrush with soft feather brush and meetings. Then, apply the correct way of brushing teeth, the brushing of the gums to the teeth with the tip of repetitive and not too hard.

2. Discipline, everything will be done routinely provide meaningful change. Diligent brushing their teeth the right way and at the right time ie at least two times a day ie after breakfast and before bed at night.

3. Limit sweet foods, sweet and sticky foods that easily attached to the teeth if not cleaned immediately to form plaque and eventually cause tooth decay. Effort can be done is by brushing your teeth immediately after eating these meals.

4. Choice of toothpaste with natural ingredients and scientific integration, the selection of appropriate toothpastes also help maintain healthy teeth and mouth. Toothpaste containing a combination of natural ingredients (lemon juice, salt and betel leaf) to care for healthy teeth and mouth naturally, and scientific materials (calcium and fluoride) as the maximum protection to the teeth is not easy holes.

5. Check teeth regularly, keep your oral hygiene with dental and oral health checked to the dentist at least every six months with regular records.