There are several ways diet would lose weight if you follow the right way as they are designed. but it does not mean that all foods fit into a diet is a healthy food, but it does not mean you should change your diet to conform with the rules of the diet.
Rather than worry about following the diet, it's better to think about a healthy lifestyle instead. Begin by learning to choose foods that are good for you.
The closer the food is taken from the cycle of nature, then the food is better for you. Fresh fruits and vegetables have a lot of great vitamins and minerals, boiled them to retain the most nutritional value and be careful with sauces, they may be high in calories and fat is not good for you.
Apple is good for the body, but the apple pie made really not good for the body. Serve seafood two or three times a week. Fish and chicken meat will be healthier on serve in the form of baked than fried
make it a habit to drink water, milk and 100% fruit and juice as the main drink softdrink and limit sweet drinks. If you are bored with mineral water, try adding a few pieces of lemon to add a touch of flavor.
Do not forget to eat a variety of foods to get all the vitamins and minerals you need to be healthy.
7 basic tips in dental care (teeth color)
In essence, the true color of our teeth are white. But with the number of food substances through the teeth as well as from the factors of age, so the teeth color can not survive forever. That's what we should watch our teeth.
1. Take care your teeth before already corrupted.
Use a straw if you drink coffee, tea, sodas and red wine. Thus, these beverage damage your teeth directly. Drinks are usually the cause of tooth decay.
2. Expand to consume foods that act as natural tooth whitener.
Examples : fruits and vegetables. Natural materials are quite effective for cleaning teeth. including: apples, carrots and celery.
3. Strawberry fruit is a very special tooth whitening.
It is easy. Mash strawberries and stick it on all your teeth by using your finger. Let it stand for one to two minutes. After that, Rub your teeth until clean.
4. A number of substances can be attached to your teeth easily, so, watch for it.
Therefore you must protect your teeth from plaque formation. Use broccoli, lettuce or spinach leaves to prevent it. Vegetables had proved very effective to prevent stains teeth affairs.
5. Use toothpaste that acts as a bleach.
Usually, this kind of toothpaste models, sold in the market. But of course it took quite a long and very intensive treatment to get maximum results. Now that most toothpastes have been using enzymes and chemical formulas, so you not need to hesitate to use any toothpaste.
6. Brushing teeth three times a day and every after meal.
But beware in brushing your teeth. Do not be too hard because it can actually make the tooth abrasion and damaged. Or use an electric toothbrush and set the time to brush your teeth for two minutes.
7. Bleaching or whitening.
Models of this kind of dental care are readily available in dental clinics and beauty clinics. This kind of treatment can last for two to three years. But still, after bleaching, you should keep your food and beverages consumed.
1. Take care your teeth before already corrupted.
Use a straw if you drink coffee, tea, sodas and red wine. Thus, these beverage damage your teeth directly. Drinks are usually the cause of tooth decay.
2. Expand to consume foods that act as natural tooth whitener.
Examples : fruits and vegetables. Natural materials are quite effective for cleaning teeth. including: apples, carrots and celery.
3. Strawberry fruit is a very special tooth whitening.
It is easy. Mash strawberries and stick it on all your teeth by using your finger. Let it stand for one to two minutes. After that, Rub your teeth until clean.
4. A number of substances can be attached to your teeth easily, so, watch for it.
Therefore you must protect your teeth from plaque formation. Use broccoli, lettuce or spinach leaves to prevent it. Vegetables had proved very effective to prevent stains teeth affairs.
5. Use toothpaste that acts as a bleach.
Usually, this kind of toothpaste models, sold in the market. But of course it took quite a long and very intensive treatment to get maximum results. Now that most toothpastes have been using enzymes and chemical formulas, so you not need to hesitate to use any toothpaste.
6. Brushing teeth three times a day and every after meal.
But beware in brushing your teeth. Do not be too hard because it can actually make the tooth abrasion and damaged. Or use an electric toothbrush and set the time to brush your teeth for two minutes.
7. Bleaching or whitening.
Models of this kind of dental care are readily available in dental clinics and beauty clinics. This kind of treatment can last for two to three years. But still, after bleaching, you should keep your food and beverages consumed.
dental health,
health care
dental care with herbal
Did you know that in the human mouth, there are at least 700 different bacteria that live and go colonize the mouth section started from the teeth, gum, lips to the tongue? Unfortunately, as much as 61.5% people does not know a good way to brush their teeth - after breakfast and before bed at night. Whereas with brushed teeth, coral disease and dental cavities was caused by piling of bacteria and plaque on teeth which is can be avoided.
Based on Household Health Survey in 2004, today's dental caries and periodontal diseases has been experienced by approximately 90%. It happened because of public awareness of the importance of maintaining dental health is minimal.
Obviously, prevention efforts can be done with a simple way by choosing an appropriate toothpaste. One of them, Herbal toothpaste which has formulated a new softer, enriched by a combination of natural ingredients (betel leaf extract, salt and lime) and scientifically processed materials (calcium & fluoride) to remain strong teeth, healthy gums, and mouth freshed.
Herbal ingredients contained in it has its own greatness in overall body health care is no exception dental health. Extracts derived from organic materials, the benefits of herbal ingredients contained in the new Herbal, among others, salt is known as a natural ingredient that will benefit oral health. Betel leaf extract is known to the public as a natural anti-bacterial material to the teeth and mouth stay healthy. Similarly with lemon which are believed to help provide fresh taste in the mouth.
Please keep in mind to maintain healthy teeth and mouth regularly is very beneficial for overall body health. By having a whole body health can enhance our self-confidence especially when interacting with others.
Based on Household Health Survey in 2004, today's dental caries and periodontal diseases has been experienced by approximately 90%. It happened because of public awareness of the importance of maintaining dental health is minimal.
Obviously, prevention efforts can be done with a simple way by choosing an appropriate toothpaste. One of them, Herbal toothpaste which has formulated a new softer, enriched by a combination of natural ingredients (betel leaf extract, salt and lime) and scientifically processed materials (calcium & fluoride) to remain strong teeth, healthy gums, and mouth freshed.
Herbal ingredients contained in it has its own greatness in overall body health care is no exception dental health. Extracts derived from organic materials, the benefits of herbal ingredients contained in the new Herbal, among others, salt is known as a natural ingredient that will benefit oral health. Betel leaf extract is known to the public as a natural anti-bacterial material to the teeth and mouth stay healthy. Similarly with lemon which are believed to help provide fresh taste in the mouth.
Please keep in mind to maintain healthy teeth and mouth regularly is very beneficial for overall body health. By having a whole body health can enhance our self-confidence especially when interacting with others.
dental health,
health care,
Diabetes and eyes health
eye diseases, Dr. Wal-densius Girsang, SPM. Who also was a speaker, mentions that diabetes can be a risk factor for at least three disease of the eye.
First, the occurrence of disturbances in the retina or diabetic retinal. "It could blocks blood vessels because of diabetes, and it should soon be overcome by con-ser," said the expert's retina.
Then, a second disturbance of the risk factors for diabetes is cataracts. Because, diabetes accelerate the process that eventually crystallize people lenses faster cataract diagnosed before age should be. The disease arises due to disruption of cell metabolism in the lens, so the lens becomes cloudy and vision becomes disrupted because light can not enter into the eye. Actions to be undertaken to overcome the cataract is by surgery, "said Dr. Waldensius Girsang.
"Then the last is a condition in which the disease glaucoma eyeball pressure on high. Indeed, all the diseases caused by diabetes on the eyes leading to blindness if not treated properly," said Dr. A.M Ginting. Glaukomajuga should be done with surgery. Glaucoma is the second leading cause of blindness in the world and in Indonesia after the cataract. In Indonesia, the disease affects about 500,000 people own.
But Glaucoma is the final stage of diabetic eye disease. Diabetics who came to the JEC will be checked whether there was interference on the retina, last checked whether there is glaucoma. Handling can only be done but can not return to normal, "katanya.Dalam next scsi, JEC also presented Dr Djoko Maryono Sp.PD, Sp. PJ, PHASE as Expert Internist Jakarta Eye Center (JEC). He explained that so many people with diabetes who experience vision problems, then the JEC also opened his own Internist services so that patients can be inspected by the integrative. "Most people with diabetes to know that he was suffering from the disease after experiencing vision problems, heart, kidneys, as well as erectile dysfunction," said Dr. Djoko Maryono.
"Approximately 60 percent of people know if he has diabetes after checking his eyes. And the other 30 percent because of erectile dysfunction," said Dr. Djoko Maryono, adding that this happens because the nervous eyes and genitals had a blockage caused by sugar and fat content that is not burned earlier.
Meanwhile, according Girsang, those who have sensed a disturbance in the eye should immediately went to the doctor's eyes. Because if it was examined and it is known that the retina is disrupted, it can be done immediately suctioning action through the blockage in the retina. Fear, if the longer tolerated, blood vessels are clogged blood pcmbuluh in the retina would crack and eventually patients lose pcnglihatannya. In addition, acute diabetes is also very risky to the crystallization process of lens that is faster than people in general, so that over time a cataract, which, if the crust will be operating, "he said, describing.
Those who are at risk for diabetes are age forty years and over, heredity, obesity is characterized by a waist circumference of more than 90 cm for men and 70 cm for women. And the mother who gave birth to a child with a weight of more than four kilogram.Yuni Hartadi, gymnastics instructor who is also treasurer Persadia Pelni Petamburan Hospital confirmed that the sufferer of Diabetes in turns out to be disciplined. lani life. "Most deaths occur due to kidney failure or wound sepsis. The wound did not heal, while it had spread germs everywhere," he said.
Therefore, according to Taio, bersadia gymnastics events held regularly every Saturday so that patients can maintain good health. But in reality there are still many patients who are reluctant to exercise. More than 200 members Persadia Pelni Hospital, but is active only about 75 people saja.Sementara, one of the participants of the mass gymnastic activities and talk shows that look enthusiastically followed the series of events is Tadjo Noor-Eddin. Men who still looks sturdy and fit diusianya who stepped 75-year positive rate JEC activities undertaken with Tempo magazine.
"If events such as gymnastics is performed on a regular basis, the impact will be good for diabetics. Due gymnastics and other sports, if done regularly can destroy the fat and reduce the risk of diabetes. Meanwhile, by being given the opportunity to ask the doctor, patients can learn to do special handling of Diabetes and eye disease, "he said, explaining.
First, the occurrence of disturbances in the retina or diabetic retinal. "It could blocks blood vessels because of diabetes, and it should soon be overcome by con-ser," said the expert's retina.
Then, a second disturbance of the risk factors for diabetes is cataracts. Because, diabetes accelerate the process that eventually crystallize people lenses faster cataract diagnosed before age should be. The disease arises due to disruption of cell metabolism in the lens, so the lens becomes cloudy and vision becomes disrupted because light can not enter into the eye. Actions to be undertaken to overcome the cataract is by surgery, "said Dr. Waldensius Girsang.
"Then the last is a condition in which the disease glaucoma eyeball pressure on high. Indeed, all the diseases caused by diabetes on the eyes leading to blindness if not treated properly," said Dr. A.M Ginting. Glaukomajuga should be done with surgery. Glaucoma is the second leading cause of blindness in the world and in Indonesia after the cataract. In Indonesia, the disease affects about 500,000 people own.
But Glaucoma is the final stage of diabetic eye disease. Diabetics who came to the JEC will be checked whether there was interference on the retina, last checked whether there is glaucoma. Handling can only be done but can not return to normal, "katanya.Dalam next scsi, JEC also presented Dr Djoko Maryono Sp.PD, Sp. PJ, PHASE as Expert Internist Jakarta Eye Center (JEC). He explained that so many people with diabetes who experience vision problems, then the JEC also opened his own Internist services so that patients can be inspected by the integrative. "Most people with diabetes to know that he was suffering from the disease after experiencing vision problems, heart, kidneys, as well as erectile dysfunction," said Dr. Djoko Maryono.
"Approximately 60 percent of people know if he has diabetes after checking his eyes. And the other 30 percent because of erectile dysfunction," said Dr. Djoko Maryono, adding that this happens because the nervous eyes and genitals had a blockage caused by sugar and fat content that is not burned earlier.
Meanwhile, according Girsang, those who have sensed a disturbance in the eye should immediately went to the doctor's eyes. Because if it was examined and it is known that the retina is disrupted, it can be done immediately suctioning action through the blockage in the retina. Fear, if the longer tolerated, blood vessels are clogged blood pcmbuluh in the retina would crack and eventually patients lose pcnglihatannya. In addition, acute diabetes is also very risky to the crystallization process of lens that is faster than people in general, so that over time a cataract, which, if the crust will be operating, "he said, describing.
Those who are at risk for diabetes are age forty years and over, heredity, obesity is characterized by a waist circumference of more than 90 cm for men and 70 cm for women. And the mother who gave birth to a child with a weight of more than four kilogram.Yuni Hartadi, gymnastics instructor who is also treasurer Persadia Pelni Petamburan Hospital confirmed that the sufferer of Diabetes in turns out to be disciplined. lani life. "Most deaths occur due to kidney failure or wound sepsis. The wound did not heal, while it had spread germs everywhere," he said.
Therefore, according to Taio, bersadia gymnastics events held regularly every Saturday so that patients can maintain good health. But in reality there are still many patients who are reluctant to exercise. More than 200 members Persadia Pelni Hospital, but is active only about 75 people saja.Sementara, one of the participants of the mass gymnastic activities and talk shows that look enthusiastically followed the series of events is Tadjo Noor-Eddin. Men who still looks sturdy and fit diusianya who stepped 75-year positive rate JEC activities undertaken with Tempo magazine.
"If events such as gymnastics is performed on a regular basis, the impact will be good for diabetics. Due gymnastics and other sports, if done regularly can destroy the fat and reduce the risk of diabetes. Meanwhile, by being given the opportunity to ask the doctor, patients can learn to do special handling of Diabetes and eye disease, "he said, explaining.
eye health,
health care
5 Tips of oral and dental care
Tips brief oral and dental health care:
1. Do it the right way, before choose a toothbrush with soft feather brush and meetings. Then, apply the correct way of brushing teeth, the brushing of the gums to the teeth with the tip of repetitive and not too hard.
2. Discipline, everything will be done routinely provide meaningful change. Diligent brushing their teeth the right way and at the right time ie at least two times a day ie after breakfast and before bed at night.
3. Limit sweet foods, sweet and sticky foods that easily attached to the teeth if not cleaned immediately to form plaque and eventually cause tooth decay. Effort can be done is by brushing your teeth immediately after eating these meals.
4. Choice of toothpaste with natural ingredients and scientific integration, the selection of appropriate toothpastes also help maintain healthy teeth and mouth. Toothpaste containing a combination of natural ingredients (lemon juice, salt and betel leaf) to care for healthy teeth and mouth naturally, and scientific materials (calcium and fluoride) as the maximum protection to the teeth is not easy holes.
5. Check teeth regularly, keep your oral hygiene with dental and oral health checked to the dentist at least every six months with regular records.
1. Do it the right way, before choose a toothbrush with soft feather brush and meetings. Then, apply the correct way of brushing teeth, the brushing of the gums to the teeth with the tip of repetitive and not too hard.
2. Discipline, everything will be done routinely provide meaningful change. Diligent brushing their teeth the right way and at the right time ie at least two times a day ie after breakfast and before bed at night.
3. Limit sweet foods, sweet and sticky foods that easily attached to the teeth if not cleaned immediately to form plaque and eventually cause tooth decay. Effort can be done is by brushing your teeth immediately after eating these meals.
4. Choice of toothpaste with natural ingredients and scientific integration, the selection of appropriate toothpastes also help maintain healthy teeth and mouth. Toothpaste containing a combination of natural ingredients (lemon juice, salt and betel leaf) to care for healthy teeth and mouth naturally, and scientific materials (calcium and fluoride) as the maximum protection to the teeth is not easy holes.
5. Check teeth regularly, keep your oral hygiene with dental and oral health checked to the dentist at least every six months with regular records.
dental health,
health care,
2 important things to keep your tooth
* Familiarize Tooth Brush. Caring for baby teeth can be started from, this can be done by way of cleaning your child's teeth using a cotton gauze or rinsed off with warm water, then slowly rub it on your baby's gum. If the child is growing up, we as parents need to help introduce the routine of brushing your teeth. Way that can be done by providing learning and brushed his teeth holding.
* Noting Diet. The child's diet should always be considered a parent. Is the food consumed can damage the teeth or vice versa. Do not give children to eat too-sweet foods like candy, chocolate, biscuits and sweet foods and easily attached digusi. Food like this usually reacts in the mouth and eventually form acids that can damage tooth enamel. Consequences, such as cavities, tooth loss before their time, the disturbance on the size, shape and number of teeth. To prevent that, give me a fibrous foods, like vegetables and fruits, because these foods are self-cleansing (cleaning) which require mastication process repeatedly.
If it wants to give food chocolate, candy, biskut and other sweet foods should be at the right time, for example, after lunch. If you've completed the child was told to brush his teeth clean.
* Noting Diet. The child's diet should always be considered a parent. Is the food consumed can damage the teeth or vice versa. Do not give children to eat too-sweet foods like candy, chocolate, biscuits and sweet foods and easily attached digusi. Food like this usually reacts in the mouth and eventually form acids that can damage tooth enamel. Consequences, such as cavities, tooth loss before their time, the disturbance on the size, shape and number of teeth. To prevent that, give me a fibrous foods, like vegetables and fruits, because these foods are self-cleansing (cleaning) which require mastication process repeatedly.
If it wants to give food chocolate, candy, biskut and other sweet foods should be at the right time, for example, after lunch. If you've completed the child was told to brush his teeth clean.
dental health,
health care
Jakarta Eye Center
Jakarta Eye Center (JEC) relentless socializing to the public the importance of eye health.
Located at the Citywalk shopping center, Saturday (5 / 12), the Jakarta Eye Center (JEC) held a talk show and a mass gymnastics under the theme "Diabetes Related to Eye Health." The event begins with the activity of blood sugar checks free of charge, then gymnastics and was followed by a talk show with a few speakers who casually is the eye health expert.
The event was attended by approximately 150 participants, where some of it. Major participants from the Diabetes Association of Indonesia (Persadia) with ages ranging from 30 to 70 SPM tahun.Dr AM Ginting, one speaker from the Jakarta Eye Center (JEC), who is also Chairman of the Eye Bank DKI Jakarta said, the event was held in order to socialize with diabetes related diseases derivatives. One of them, eye disease. "Diabetes can be a ticking time bomb of blindness in humans.
Through this event, we will discuss about anticipation can be done to prevent blindness and can stay alive with diabetes delicious, "said the doctor who was almost 40 years of practicing it. He added, of which diabetes occurs because of changes in blood sugar levels .
Located at the Citywalk shopping center, Saturday (5 / 12), the Jakarta Eye Center (JEC) held a talk show and a mass gymnastics under the theme "Diabetes Related to Eye Health." The event begins with the activity of blood sugar checks free of charge, then gymnastics and was followed by a talk show with a few speakers who casually is the eye health expert.
The event was attended by approximately 150 participants, where some of it. Major participants from the Diabetes Association of Indonesia (Persadia) with ages ranging from 30 to 70 SPM tahun.Dr AM Ginting, one speaker from the Jakarta Eye Center (JEC), who is also Chairman of the Eye Bank DKI Jakarta said, the event was held in order to socialize with diabetes related diseases derivatives. One of them, eye disease. "Diabetes can be a ticking time bomb of blindness in humans.
Through this event, we will discuss about anticipation can be done to prevent blindness and can stay alive with diabetes delicious, "said the doctor who was almost 40 years of practicing it. He added, of which diabetes occurs because of changes in blood sugar levels .
"Eyes center" typically refers to an eye care center or clinic that specializes in the diagnosis, treatment, and management of eye-related conditions and vision problems. These centers are staffed by ophthalmologists, optometrists, and other healthcare professionals trained to address a wide range of eye health issues. Here are some common services and functions provided by eyes centers:
1. **Comprehensive Eye Examinations:** Eyes centers offer routine eye exams to assess vision and screen for eye conditions such as glaucoma, cataracts, and macular degeneration.
2. **Prescription Eyeglasses and Contact Lenses:** Optometrists at eyes centers can provide prescriptions for eyeglasses and contact lenses and assist with fittings and adjustments.
3. **Treatment of Eye Conditions:** Ophthalmologists at eyes centers diagnose and treat various eye conditions and diseases, including but not limited to:
- Glaucoma
- Cataracts
- Retinal disorders
- Corneal conditions
- Eye infections
- Strabismus (eye misalignment)
- Amblyopia (lazy eye)
4. **Surgery:** Some eyes centers have surgical facilities where ophthalmologists perform eye surgeries, such as cataract surgery, LASIK (laser-assisted in-situ keratomileusis), and retinal surgery.
5. **Pediatric Eye Care:** Specialized pediatric ophthalmologists provide eye care for children, including the diagnosis and management of pediatric eye conditions and vision problems.
6. **Emergency Eye Care:** Eyes centers may offer emergency services for eye injuries, sudden vision changes, or eye-related emergencies.
7. **Low Vision Rehabilitation:** For individuals with severe vision impairment, low vision rehabilitation services help maximize remaining vision and improve daily functioning.
8. **Medical Imaging:** Many eyes centers have diagnostic imaging equipment like optical coherence tomography (OCT) and fundus photography to assess the health of the retina and other eye structures.
9. **Management of Chronic Eye Conditions:** Patients with chronic eye conditions like diabetic retinopathy or age-related macular degeneration can receive ongoing care and monitoring at eyes centers.
10. **Educational Services:** Some eyes centers provide educational resources and eye health information to patients and the community to promote eye health and awareness.
Eyes centers play a crucial role in maintaining and improving eye health, preventing vision loss, and addressing a wide range of eye-related concerns.
Regular eye exams are recommended for individuals of all ages to detect and address eye conditions early, which can lead to more effective treatment and better outcomes.
If you are looking for an eyes center in your area or have specific questions about eye care, I recommend contacting a local eye care provider or using online directories to find a reputable center near you.
eye health,
health care
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