Trple-negative breast cancer molecular classification

Triple-negative breast cancer molecular classification, Gene expression assays have identified six different triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC) molecular subtypes (Lehman’s classification).

These are
  • basal-like 1 (BL1), 
  • basal-like 2 (BL2), 
  • mesenchymal-like (M),
  • mesenchymal/stem-like (MSL),
  • immunomodulatory (IM),
  • and luminal androgen receptor (LAR).
BL1 has a high TP53 mutation rate (92%), alterations in genes involved in DNA repair mechanisms (such as BRCA1, BRCA2, TP53 and RB1) and a cell-cycle gene signature.

BL2 has cell-cycle gene signatures, overexpression of growth factor signalling genes and overexpression of myoepithelial differentiation genes.

M and MSL subtypes are enriched for genes encoding regulators of cell motility, invasion and mesenchymal differentiation, but the MSL subtype is uniquely enriched for the genes that encode regulators of epithelial–mesenchymal transition and stemness.

The Claudin-low subtype from the intrinsic classification is mostly composed of the M and MSL subtypes312. MSL also shares numerous genes involved in the regulation of immune response with the IM subtype.

Finally, LAR is characterized by a higher mutational burden with overexpression of genes coding for mammary luminal differentiation, overexpression of the regulators of the androgen receptor (AR) signalling pathway and increased mutations in PI3KCA (55%), AKT1 (13%) and CDH1 (13%) genes.

This classification has been refined into four groups: 
  1. BL1 (immunoactivated),
  2. BL2 (immunosuppressed),
  3. M (including most of the MSL),
  4. and LAR, with implications for response to neoadjuvant chemotherapy.
Combining RNA and DNA profiling analyses, a similar classification of TNBC has been reported (Burstein’s classification), divided into four distinct subtypes.

These subtypes are: 
  • LAR,
  • mesenchymal (MES),
  • basal-like immunosuppressed (BLIS),
  • and basal-like immune-activated (BLIA).
Each subtype has specific therapeutic targets (for example, the LAR subtype can be targeted via the AR and the cell surface protein mucin) and different prognosis (for example, the BLIA subtype is associated with better prognosis than BLIS). Despite these multiple efforts, there is no established diagnostic assay yet for the classification of TNBC in routine practice.

Breast cancer diagnostic work-ip

Women experiencing breast symptoms or breast changes, such as a lump, localized pain, nipple symptoms or skin changes, require appropriate diagnostic evaluation, as do women who are recalled for further testing because of positive screening mammography.

Diagnosing breast cancer is based on a triple test comprising clinical examination, imaging (usually mammography and/or ultrasonography) and needle biopsy. Assessment entails performing the appropriate elements of the triple test, factoring in the patients’ characteristics and presentation, and should be performed before beginning treatment.

Appropriate assessment helps to accurately discriminate between those who have breast cancer and those who have benign conditions (such as fibroadenoma) or normal breast changes and can be reassured or safely managed with follow-up, obviating the need for surgical intervention.

Ultrasonography is almost universally used to assess localized symptoms, as an initial imaging modality in young women, to identify and characterize screen- detected abnormalities and, preferentially, for imaging- guided percutaneous biopsy. Breast ultrasonography may also be used to characterize and biopsy axillary lymph nodes in women suspected of having breast cancer.

Imaging evaluation also includes MRI for specific clinical indications, such as in women for whom conventional imaging tests have been equivocal, inconclusive or discordant, for evaluating women with breast implants and for evaluating women with axillary nodal metastases but no detectable (occult) breast tumour.

Preoperative MRI is also selectively used for staging newly diagnosed disease, but this is a debated practice given the limited evidence on whether it enhances a patient’s clinical outcomes. However, MRI is advised for preoperative assessment of newly diagnosed invasive lobular cancers.

Target of acquired immunity in trichomoniasis vaginalis

Targets of Acquired Immunity in trichomoniasis vaginalis. The presence of parasite-specific immunoglobulin G and immunoglobulin A responses also indicates priming of helper Trichomoniasis cells, although the relevant antigens are largely unknown, as are the exact effects of antibodies on the parasites. One obvious target of protective antibody could be the ahesin molecules used by the parasite to facilitate close contact to host cells, a process previously shown to lead to efficient host cell destruction.

The molecular basis of adhesion of Trichomoniasis vaginalis has been investigated, and four antigenic surface molecules have also been implicated in the adhesion of Trichomoniasis vaginalis to vaginal epithelial cells; their expression is being upregulated during attachment to host cells.

Antibodies to these molecules protected target cells from parasite-mediated cytotoxicity, suggesting that antiadhesion immune responses could be important in in vivo protection against the pathogenic effects of Trichomoniasis vaginalis. However, our current understanding of immunity to Trichomoniasis vaginalis remains unsatisfactory, and it is not clear whether acquired immune responses are required for protection and, if so, what role is played by acquired immunity in containing or eliminating infections.

Although there is some evidence that protection may be achieved by immunization of laboratory animals, strong protective immunity does not seem to follow natural infection in humans. A recent study of patients infected with Trichomoniasis vaginalis and HIV indicated no evidence of increased levels or longevity of parasite infection in these patients compared to those in patients infected with Trichomoniasis vaginalis but not HIV.

These observations may indicate that innate immunity involving chemotaxis and subsequent influx of neutrophils is much more important than acquired immunity in controlling infections with Trichomoniasis vaginalis, since neutrophils are often the most numerous leukocytes present in response to infection .

The Right Way to Provide Supplements for Children

 The Right Way to Provide Supplements for Children

A health expert named dr. Belilovsky said that dependence on vitamins or supplements can have a negative impact on children's health, because they are unable to replace the role of carbohydrates, protein, or fat as the main source of nutrition for the body.

Therefore, parents need to know how to provide tips and how to provide supplements for children, so that they do not cause negative side effects for their bodies. Check out the complete tips below.

Be careful when choosing supplements for children

Although vitamins and supplements are good for body immunity, parents must also be careful in choosing them. Do not provide supplements that can be consumed by all ages for children. We recommend that you give supplements that are specifically for children according to their age.

Give Supplements to Children According to Their Needs

The impact of children's supplements on the body will appear when children take supplements that they don't need. Therefore, give children vitamins according to their needs, such as vitamin C to increase endurance, or vitamin A when the child has vision problems.

Give Supplements at Low Doses to Children

Apart from being in accordance with the needs, parents should provide supplements for children with low doses. This is because fat-soluble vitamins will accumulate in the body's tissues if given in excessive amounts.

Careful in Viewing Supplement Composition

Make sure to provide supplements for children with the right composition and dosage. Also pay attention to storage methods and usage warnings on the packaging label to prevent negative impacts on children.

Genetic predisposition in breast cancer


Genetic predisposition; Approximately 10% of breast cancers are inherited and associated with a family history, although this varies frequently by ethnicity and across countries in the context of early-onset, bilateral and/or TNBC. Individuals with a first-degree relative who had breast cancer have an elevated relative risk (RR) of 3 of early-onset breast cancer (before 35 years of age).

However, a family history of breast cancer is associated with an ‘erratic’ individual risk of breast cancer composed of different variables, including the size of the family and environmental factors. To determine the family’s risk, models such as the family history score have been developed.

Mutations in two high-penetrance tumour suppressor genes, BRCA1 and BRCA2, whose proteins are involved in DNA repair through homologous repair, show an autosomal-dominant inheritance pattern (loss of function>missense). BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutations are associated with an average cumulative risk of developing breast cancer by the age of 80 years of 72% and 69%, respectively; the relative risk of breast cancer in men harbouring BRCA2 mutations is 6%.

More than 2,000 BRCA gene alterations have been described (mutations and large rearrangements), but only few have been found repeatedly in unrelated families, for example, founder mutations in Ashkenazi Jewish families (BRCA1 185delAG or BRCA2 6174delT) or Icelandic families (BRCA2 999del5).

The prevalence of BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutations varies between ethnic groups, being lower in the Asian group (0.5%) and higher in the Ashkenazi group (10.2%) in a US nationwide study. Germline BRCA testing will now be performed as a companion diagnostic in patients with metastatic breast cancer given the availability of poly(ADPribose) polymerase (PARP) inhibitors, which prolong progression-free survival (PFS) and improve quality of life, as a targeted therapy for BRCA mutation carriers in HER2-negative metastatic breast cancer.

Several syndromes related to germline mutations of genes involved in DNA repair and maintaining genomic integrity have been shown to be linked to, to a lesser degree, the inherited breast cancer risk. Next-generation sequencing has enabled panels of genes to be screened — beyond BRCA1 and BRCA2 — to determine the inherited breast cancer risk, and include ATM, CHEK2, PALB2, PTEN, STK11 and TP53.

Trichomoniasis clinical manifestations

Women who are symptomatic from trichomoniasis complain of vaginal discharge, pruritus, and irritation. Signs of infection include vaginal discharge (42%), odor (50%), and edema or erythema (22 to 37%). The discharge is classically described as frothy, but it is actually frothy in only about 10% of patients. The color of the discharge may vary. Colpitis macularis (strawberry cervix) is a specific clinical sign for this infection but is detected with reliability only by colposcopy and rarely during routine examination.

Other complaints may include dysuria and lower abdominal pain; the etiology of the latter is unclear. The urethra is also infected in the majority of women. Nearly half of all women with trichomoniasis vaginalis are asymptomatic. Therefore, if these women are not screened, the diagnosis will be missed.

The extent of the inflammatory response to the parasite may determine the severity of the symptoms. Factors that influence the host inflammatory response are not well understood but may include hormonal levels, the coexisting vaginal flora, and the strain and relative concentration of the organisms present in the vagina.

Breast cancer signs

 Chris McKeen/Stuff

Radio personality Sarah Gandy is distributing new stickers that educate females about the nine symptoms of breast cancer.

The day before New Zealand went into level 4 lockdown, Sarah Gandy had her final cancer treatment.

The former The Hits breakfast radio host found a lump in her breast in 2018, aged just 36.

Chris McKeen/Stuff

Sarah Gandy first learned of her breast cancer at 36.

It turned out to be two “huge” tumours, one of which measured 8cm by 7cm, requiring her to undergo a full mastectomy and months of chemotherapy and radiation.

Her experience has prompted her to join forces with the Breast Cancer Foundation to launch the ‘Change & Check’ campaign on October 1, marking the start of Breast Cancer Awareness Month.

READ MORE:* Radio host Sarah Gandy diagnosed with breast cancer after losing job at The Hits* Mum-of-three leads campaign highlighting growing rate of breast cancer in young women* Young Hamilton mum bares all for breast cancer

Of the nine major signs of breast cancer, Gandy said she knew of two when she was diagnosed.

Speaking to Stuff from her West Auckland home, Gandy she had been struggling with panic attacks for a few months when she found the lump in late 2018.