7 tips to prevent hearth attack coronary

Coronary heart disease is one of the degenerative disease, meaning that the disease process takes place in a long time, even up to a dozen or a dozen years. Without us knowing it, since we were kids we've started to 'accumulate' cholesterol in our veins. After years, of course, deposition of fat and cholesterol in blood vessel walls become gradually narrows blood vessels and no longer elastic. Consequently, when the blood clot is formed (clot), blood flow will be obstructed, and blood vessels burst / blocked. When this occurs in blood vessels to the brain, that's what we are familiar with the stroke, while in case of the blood vessels to the heart, this is what we all know by heart attacks.

So, who knows the condition of the blood vessels of our current pattern of life which we live today? And, if the cholesterol accumulation was clearly a pioneer of coronary heart disease, how this dangerous substance that can be stacked in our veins? Research shows that cholesterol and fat can attach to and accumulate in the blood vessel wall if the inner wall of blood vessels (endothelium) is damaged and no longer flat due to exposure to free radicals. Free radicals is of course not only damaging our blood vessel walls, but all our other organs were involved were affected.

Prevention to do as early as possible

1. Exercise regularly to help keep the fat burning and keep the circulatory current.
2. Reduce consumption of fatty foods / high cholesterol and increasing consumption of foods high in fiber, like vegetables and fruits.
3. Maintain ideal body weight.
4. Adequate rest and reduce stress, so that the amount of free radicals formed in the body is not too much.
5th. Avoid cigarettes, coffee, and alcoholic beverages.
6. Conduct laboratory examinations regularly to monitor the levels of cholesterol in the blood.
7. Keeping the environment clean.